Thursday, March 13, 2014

Auntie Archives

This is an oldie from Christmas...

Aiden's a genius. What aunt can play a serious game of Heads Up with just her 5  year old nephew. He read all the animals and was up to date on all the facts... I've got to beef up on my trivia otherwise I won't be able to hold a conversation with him past his 7th birthday.  

Mae Recommends #4

1. Clarisonic: I was gifted one of these for Christmas from some classroom parents and I love it! My skin feels amazing and I don't feel as greasy at the end of the day.  There are also cheaper versions at Target that I have heard work great. 

2. Yes-to-Tomatoes: This is the skin care line I am using as of now and I really like it.  I have used the face scrub, face wash, and body wash and it's not to heavy, smelly, and feels fresh! Oh, and it's cheaper than Clinique! Woo! Found at Target, Walgreens.

3. Siggi yogurt: It's not Greek but its quality and it comes in the on-the-go tubes that are so easy for packed lunches. Found at Target.

4. Publix app: I was a little annoyed at the grocery store when employees were bugging me with flyers and promos but it was worth it! I spend more time in the deli line than is healthy for a person's patience  . With the app you can order what you want ahead with one click while shopping around (or way before on your couch) and pick it up without the wait.

5. Toms Shoes: Will is on his second pair and he gifted me with some cute purple crocheted ones for Christmas and they have turned into a staple slip-on in our house.  I had an old man stop me at the car wash and tell me that Toms commitment to when you buy a pair, a pair is given to a child in need in Africa is true and completely upheld.  His missionary friend had just received two huge shipments of thousands of Toms and they even sent people over to help size each child and make it an experience. 

6. Lorde: For your listening pleasure, Lorde has some pretty good tunes but that comes as no surprise.

7. The Divergent Series: I once again got sucked into another teen trilogy craze.  I have some kind of odd interest in books about dystopian societies. I couldn't put these down and the first movie comes out later this month so speed read through! If you were at all interested in Hunger Games you would like these but I liked this series a bit better because it made you think about values, balance, and the structure of society and communities. 

8. Captain Phillips: Great movie...Hollywood twisted actual happenings and the real crew had some bones to pick, but Hollywood will be Hollywood and it was a very good film. 

9. Blue Diamond Almonds: Almonds are a quick, yummy, and healthy snack. I get the single packs and Blue Diamond has some delicious favors to change things up a bit.  I have tried all the flavors that the single packs offer and they are all delish: vanilla bean, cinnamon, dry roasted, natural, dark chocolate.  

10. Good Earth's Sweet and Spicy Tea: At Christmas my mom had this tea stashed in the cupboard and I made the brave move to venture from my morning coffee to a cup of tea...good move! I don't usually like tea because I find it "weak" and watery and just not as bold and delicious as a good dark, teeth-standing, jolting cup of coffee.  But this was super flavorful and I went more than 2 months with no coffee! I still had my morning routine of a hot drink without the sweating and afternoon crash. :) I've had a cup or two of the real stuff lately although my cupboard now houses many boxes of various teas instead of K-cups. 
Other note worthy sips: Tazo Organic Rooibos Vanilla Parfait, Tazo Earl Grey, Tazo Cinnamon Spice.

11. Eyebrow Threading: If you have been weary of the mall booths that show the ladies shaping eyebrows with a piece of thread... be weary no more and sit down! I am the first to say, "I'll just do it myself" when it comes to hair and nails but this is something I pay the 12 dollars for.  It's precise, clean, way less painful than waxing at the hair dressers, very fast, and lasts longer. 

12. Essie nail polish: Between the health controversy of polish and not splurging on manicures my nails have been going au natural lately.  However, Essie is good to have on hand for bored evenings or when doing some home primping for an event.  It looks "salon nice", lasts awhile, and is "three free" which means it's free of toluene, DBP, and formaldehyde. 

13. Honest Kids juice pouches: The organic and less sugary version of Capri Suns.  I stick these in Will's lunch everyday and while I can't count on him eating everything (like yesterday's seaweed crisps), the juices are always gone. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


When Will and I made the decision to uproot again and move down to Florida we obviously discussed many things.  It was a spontaneous choice but not without thoughts of the realistic consequences and changes we would have to work through.  Of course we would be dealing with job changes, town to city adjustments, and a few cultural changes but we would also be away from family and friends.  In terms of connection to anyone familiar we were going to the middle of nowhere.  Through reflecting back on our year in Scottsdale and listening to others, we made a vow that we would make the effort to build some kind of support system.  As people, as a couple, and as one day a family it's essential to have others to count on.  It eases anxieties, fulfills the human need for relationship building, and makes for more fun weekends. :) God provided, we reached out, and a year later we have several people we call friends.  Our weekends usually involve a get together, Will has buddies that plan lunches at the neighborhood BBQ shack, I have girls to call for lounging on the beach, and most importantly we feel surrounded by a community of people that would be there with a quick phone call.  It's certainly not family and I've continually realized more of God's purpose and plan when making the family structure.  In all honesty, somedays we don't feel satisfied with our trusting community and yearn to be closer to our parents and siblings, but we soon remember that we were put in this place for a reason and we are so blessed to have been surrounded by such great people so quickly.  They have offered support, encouragement, and fun times! Some of these people will be life long friends and if that's all we get out of this place then- yay! Since I'm a list person here are some of my thoughts about community building. 

-Make finding a support system a priority.  It makes such a difference on your experience in a new environment.  
-If you don't like them, don't hang out with them again.  There's too many people in the world to make yourself go through awkward dinners. 
-Don't try to do everything.  Your other half is still your number one and being too busy gets old quickly. 
-Seek some friends who are similar to you and some who are completely different.   
-Get involved. Church and school have been great for connecting and in a location where a lot of people are a mess, it's a little less likely that they will turn out crazy.
-Be open.  People have lots of different personalities and they come from a lot of different places and homes. They may not be like you but could be your new best friend. 
-Be a friend back. 
-Make the most of it.  It may not be your sister or brother in the chair next to you that you can vent to or just sit in silence and it not be awkward- but it's the next best thing when family is a 22+ hour drive away. 
-Depend on people. They will surprise you. We were only down here for a few months when Will's grandpa past away and we got numerous calls from new friends offering support. How amazing is that? People care! Even in South Florida where drivers won't even let you switch lanes. :)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

School Happenings

Between teaching a young age, experiencing private school and the cultural norms of a South Florida society I am taking away life lessons everyday this year. I'm also busy with lots of events the school plans for the kids and families. The 2 big events as of late have been the 3 year old Circus and the Dinner Auction.  I was glad the dinner auction just required me showing up as the circus had my head spinning a little.  It's ironic that we spent 3 weeks with the kids preparing for a circus since I consider everyday happenings in my classroom fairly close to the acts of a traveling show. However, we prepared tightrope walkers and Dalmatian acts and each of the kids preformed without tears, screams, or injuring themselves.  That in itself makes for a successful production.  I was able to endure my worst nightmare of standing in front of room full of parents dressed like a clown and talking into a microphone with a slight that was fun.  :) The kids were cute and it was encouraging to see them do something with confidence that they never would have done on day 1 of school.

The school has a great group of sweet young teachers so I've been able to make a couple buddies and have girl days which I haven't had for a while.  Between teacher talk, girl talk, and margs on the beach- we've enjoyed getting to know each other.
(This was taken during a bird attack due to a couple of vacationing kids who thought it would be fun to feed the seagulls. Of course this is the logical thing to do as a kid but it resulted in a group of screaming adult girls. :)). 

The Dinner Auction is one of the big fundraises that is put on every year. From skybox seats, safaris, and convertible leases, my paddle didn't get much action.  But the parents have some fun trips to go on and the school definitely prospered.  I left Will behind but he will be joining next year so he can experience the excitement and meet the parents who were curiously asking about the other half.  :)

Embarrassingly enough, the highlight of my night might have been using my new vintage clutch from my sister....:) Thanks Jen!

Each class auctions off a class project that is made with one of our classroom parents.  Ours was the Fort Lauderdale skyline in their fingerprints.  I'm kind of regretting letting this one cute! Our art table might have a similar project before the end of the year for Mrs. Cousin to give herself.  

Busy weeks make us appreciate our weekends with each other and friends.  Lately relaxing as meant hangin' at home watching too many episodes of The Americans or dinner at new places.
Below is last weekend dinner and drinks with our friends Kyra and Jeff.  A celebratory Peanut Butter and Jelly beer (!) was in order since she just finished nursing school and passed the final exams.  Woo! Congrats Kyra!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Yummy Eats

This past year we have changed our eating habits and meat is rarely a part of our menu. It's been fun to get creative, try new recipes, and eating out has taken on a new experience. Since we ate more food than our body weight in Denver I came home with some new veggie recipes to try to recreate.  They all turned out super yummy and I suggest you try.  The amounts of things are roughly calculated.  

Squash and Pepita Tacos:

1 Spaghetti squash: cooked and "gutted" (is that what you call it? Scrape out the "noodles").  Season with cumin, paprika, chili powder, garlic and onion powder. 

1 poblano pepper, 1 red onion, 1 red pepper: sauté in garlic and oil of your choice. 

Cilantro, lime juice, pumpkin seeds to top. 

Flour taco shells: I spread a little olive oil on and broiled them to get a little crisp. 

Layer everything in the shells and enjoy! 


Beets (I got canned): chopped
Cannoli white beans
Red onion
Red pepper
Balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper
Wraps or your choice 

Combine ingredients and toss.  Scoop mixture into wrap and roll.

Mushroom Melt: 
Portabello Mushroom caps
Cheese (your choice)
Red onion
Red Pepper 
Balsamic vinegar 
Focaccia bread

Sauté mushrooms and veggies.  Melt cheese slice on top of mushroom caps, top with veggies, and place on toasted focaccia. 

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