Tuesday, March 11, 2014


When Will and I made the decision to uproot again and move down to Florida we obviously discussed many things.  It was a spontaneous choice but not without thoughts of the realistic consequences and changes we would have to work through.  Of course we would be dealing with job changes, town to city adjustments, and a few cultural changes but we would also be away from family and friends.  In terms of connection to anyone familiar we were going to the middle of nowhere.  Through reflecting back on our year in Scottsdale and listening to others, we made a vow that we would make the effort to build some kind of support system.  As people, as a couple, and as one day a family it's essential to have others to count on.  It eases anxieties, fulfills the human need for relationship building, and makes for more fun weekends. :) God provided, we reached out, and a year later we have several people we call friends.  Our weekends usually involve a get together, Will has buddies that plan lunches at the neighborhood BBQ shack, I have girls to call for lounging on the beach, and most importantly we feel surrounded by a community of people that would be there with a quick phone call.  It's certainly not family and I've continually realized more of God's purpose and plan when making the family structure.  In all honesty, somedays we don't feel satisfied with our trusting community and yearn to be closer to our parents and siblings, but we soon remember that we were put in this place for a reason and we are so blessed to have been surrounded by such great people so quickly.  They have offered support, encouragement, and fun times! Some of these people will be life long friends and if that's all we get out of this place then- yay! Since I'm a list person here are some of my thoughts about community building. 

-Make finding a support system a priority.  It makes such a difference on your experience in a new environment.  
-If you don't like them, don't hang out with them again.  There's too many people in the world to make yourself go through awkward dinners. 
-Don't try to do everything.  Your other half is still your number one and being too busy gets old quickly. 
-Seek some friends who are similar to you and some who are completely different.   
-Get involved. Church and school have been great for connecting and in a location where a lot of people are a mess, it's a little less likely that they will turn out crazy.
-Be open.  People have lots of different personalities and they come from a lot of different places and homes. They may not be like you but could be your new best friend. 
-Be a friend back. 
-Make the most of it.  It may not be your sister or brother in the chair next to you that you can vent to or just sit in silence and it not be awkward- but it's the next best thing when family is a 22+ hour drive away. 
-Depend on people. They will surprise you. We were only down here for a few months when Will's grandpa past away and we got numerous calls from new friends offering support. How amazing is that? People care! Even in South Florida where drivers won't even let you switch lanes. :)

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