Tuesday, June 25, 2013


With teaching as my career, I better get used to these summers with no schedule.  I like schedules, so it's an adjustment.  However, I am trying to stay in the mind frame that come January I will be wishing for these summer days where I am brainstorming a "To Do" list to keep myself busy and come May I will be NEEDING the break of summer vacation to regain my sanity.  

Sadly so, my Pinterest account took a hit during the last couple months while subbing.  Since now I am pinning one half of my day away, there have been many "crafternoons" as I try my hand at the DIY projects.  Most of my crafts end up in the garbage because I tend to take shortcuts and artistry is at a minimum in my genes, but finally one turned out pretty cute! Will actually thought it was pretty cool too and it took me a couple minutes to admit that I didn't think of it myself :).  The craft:  I took a recipe that was hand written and signed by my Great Grandma Paulsen to Office Depot and had them blow it up, then stuck it in a frame and hung it in our kitchen.  Side note:  Will's always scheming for new business or epic cash-making plans so after watching a show where a lady found a $2000 dollar piece of artwork at Goodwill, he encouraged me to go treasure hunting at our nearest thrift store.  I have absolutely no eye for fine art and came home with the most worthless piece of "art" that was really a random print on really cheap paper.  BUT, it came in a nice frame that I would have paid 40 dollars for at the store for this giant recipe.  All in all, this craft cost less than 20 bucks and it's a pretty substantial wall hanging.  Woo!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Slow to Warm

Humorously, I recently read that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas lights. I have seen Will in all three of these scenarios: Rain doesn't stop him, he gets a little miffed about the suitcase, but chances are he is wearing his favorite outfit of the month so, not a big deal, and spending 5 dollars on new lights is a fast fix. While these things encompass the "go getter" and "don't sweat the small stuff" guy that is my husband, I have also seen his personality traits shine through the changes we have made in our married life. In moving I have seen Will embrace change with open arms, excitement, and an adventurous spirit. I expected such and through the whirlwind of a big move, I have now gotten to reflecting on my transition to a new environment.  Everything has been moving quickly and I have been going with the flow, but probably not making the full adjustment quite yet since "slow to warm" is my nature. God has been working in so many ways here with Will and I and I am trying to grasp the fast flow of positive change with excitement and keep on for the ride.  

My profession is one that every day is different. Kids produce the strangest, and most impromptu situations that a quick adjustment needs to be a strength.  I am embarking on a new position teaching in a Pre-K and while I am nervous of the newness of the environment, people, and position, I am thankful that I am not being thrown into something completely foreign everday and at a moments notice like when subbing. With having my own classroom, once I learn the ropes I will have them for at least 9 months.  I am not sure it's the right prayer request, but as of now I am praying that God puts my emotional processing time on turbo speed since life is moving quickly and there are many adjustments to make and I want them to be positive.  I am thankful of our opportunities down here and know there are heathy challenges around the corner.  I continue to remind myself that I certainly grew up as a "hand holder" and still completely prefer it that way.  However, that 5 (okay 15) year hold has grown up and made it through things without the hand holding so I will continue to snuggle into these new surroundings, walk into new places, and if anything fake some confidence until I find the real deal that I know is down there somewhere. :)  If the big man upstairs could just save any curve balls for awhile and let me get half settled, that would be most appreciated. :)

Dr. Mark and Pia McEleney Forever

It is certainly wedding season as Will and I had to go separate ways in Iowa to be a part of two different weddings for 4 very good friends.  A time that you wish there were more than one of you, but both weddings were beautiful and a big congratulations to both sweet newlywed couples!

Pia was nothing short of stunning and the wedding was a perfect beginning to her and Mark's married life together.  As the Matron of Honor that is not one for the microphone, I was a little distracted by the toast I had to come up with and Pia's suggestion to just Google a Hallmark wedding card and read it was tempting.  However, I tried to "sketch" something out on the plane ride and while it didn't entirely come out that way at dinner, it was pretty close and I made it through. Thankfully, it came out a little shorter than what's written below. :) It certainly was up there with a sappy Hallmark card and simple as it may be, it still came from the heart. 

Toast to Mark and Pia:

Pia and I have been friends for about 10 years now and as young girls do we have planned and dreamed of this day together.  However, after all our planning, I don't think we could have thought up such a perfect day as today has been. Aside from the beautiful decor, good food, and fancy clothes, we couldn't have planned the feeling of having a room full of loved ones supporting the union of two special people.  This is a big day and it warms my heart to see all the smiles and excitement for Pia and Mark.

Peas- Your friendship means the world to me.  You are my best friend, therapist, entertainment, and much more.  As much as I love the giggle fits we most often have, the biggest joy has been watching you  fall in love with such a good guy and experience a loving relationship that I have been praying for you to have. You have always been there for me and your loyalty, compassion, and fun-loving spirit that I cherish in you are going to carry over to make you such a sweet wife to Mark. 

Mark-Getting to know you through your love for Pia has let me see what a perfect match you two are.  I have seen you be her encouragement, support, and stability.  I am so glad that you are the one  who Pia will be building a life with.  I know you will take great care of my closest friend and will always be working to grow and deepen a loving marriage.  

Pia and Mark, through the years may you remember this day; the love that you felt for each other and the roomful of witnesses that came to support it.  May there be many, many years of couple vacations , happiness, and a wonderful marriage.  Cheers!

Blushing Bride

The wedding party. 

Bride and MOH

Getting ready to practice for the big day!

The sweet couple. 

On the trolley. 


Soon to be. 

Best friends on the big day!

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