Tuesday, June 25, 2013


With teaching as my career, I better get used to these summers with no schedule.  I like schedules, so it's an adjustment.  However, I am trying to stay in the mind frame that come January I will be wishing for these summer days where I am brainstorming a "To Do" list to keep myself busy and come May I will be NEEDING the break of summer vacation to regain my sanity.  

Sadly so, my Pinterest account took a hit during the last couple months while subbing.  Since now I am pinning one half of my day away, there have been many "crafternoons" as I try my hand at the DIY projects.  Most of my crafts end up in the garbage because I tend to take shortcuts and artistry is at a minimum in my genes, but finally one turned out pretty cute! Will actually thought it was pretty cool too and it took me a couple minutes to admit that I didn't think of it myself :).  The craft:  I took a recipe that was hand written and signed by my Great Grandma Paulsen to Office Depot and had them blow it up, then stuck it in a frame and hung it in our kitchen.  Side note:  Will's always scheming for new business or epic cash-making plans so after watching a show where a lady found a $2000 dollar piece of artwork at Goodwill, he encouraged me to go treasure hunting at our nearest thrift store.  I have absolutely no eye for fine art and came home with the most worthless piece of "art" that was really a random print on really cheap paper.  BUT, it came in a nice frame that I would have paid 40 dollars for at the store for this giant recipe.  All in all, this craft cost less than 20 bucks and it's a pretty substantial wall hanging.  Woo!

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