Saturday, November 3, 2012

October Festivities

I love October. Because it is my birthday month, this is no surprise but I may stop feeling this way as I grow older. For my birthday my husband rescued me from the dark ages and fulfilled my request of an iPhone. Now, I can talk to the 3 people that call in style, waste more time on Facebook, and bury my face in another Apple device. But-it was so needed:). In fact, I am currently writing this entire blog on my phone while watching a movie on my iPad. So really, where would I be without these things?....

I also secretly like Halloween. I like the creativity of homemade costumes, bringing characters to life, and turning inanimate objects into giant outfits. I hate scary costumes, and rarely approve of store bought costumes. So perhaps I don't like Halloween at all, just the idea of an acceptable, national day of dress-up.  We have a couple friends who host an annual Halloween party.  While I was not planning on attending with Will out-of-town, sitting home alone for a few days was getting long and friends/relatives offered to adopt me as a tag along.  Rosie the Riveter requires a button down, jeans, and red scarf.  So Rosie it was.   However,  although it is fitting for an adult Halloween party it  certainly isn't' fitting for a Pre-K class party.  So I am set for the year as I had to hodge podge together 2 costumes this year with a cheetah/leopard/cat costume as my number 2.  Let's just say, by the end of attending a party, and hosting 2 for 40 kids...I am DONE with Halloween and it left a rather bad taste in my mouth.  I'll be lucky if I simply stick on some bunny ears for next year.

Rosie and Smurfette

I even held a couple parent-teacher conferences like this.   
AM Group: Pre-K Halloween Party

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