Friday, December 7, 2012

Teacher Thoughts

It is a sad, sad day when you forget about jeans day.

My lesson plans look so neat, organized, well thought out and clean on Monday morning. I have started taking a couple minutes to stare at them before the week starts and the scribbles, arrows, schedule changes, and giant x's take over.

I'm a patient person but it has certainly been tested on some days.  I have discovered what I look like most times when I lose my patience with kids and most of the time it's me walking away and forgoing the sassy apology lesson and counting to 5 in my head. It is not worth the spike in blood pressure.   I have built my management on consistency but in some after a long night of conferences...and 2 class parties... it doesn't happen.

If you give a child a compliment, 19 more will want one too.

If one child gives you a compliment you will get 19 more. They will compliment you on everything right down to your shoe laces.

Nothing is worse than being wrong after you discipline an innocent child.  Oops. Humility and apology lesson anyone?

There is a difference between being a sympathetic person to a 4 year old and a "soft" teacher.

If you act like something is the best thing in the world, 99 percent of the kids are going to think the same. This is acting lesson number 1.

I have resorted to bribery with stickers.

I. hate. bulletin. boards. I thought this would be something that I would enjoy a few months ago because of how cute and creative you can get with them. But... to make them cute you have to
A. Spend your life savings at the teacher store.
B. Be at school until 7 and forgo the rest of your to do list.
C. Cut a straight line in paper bigger than your body with one hand while holding it against a wall with your other hand, while keeping the rest of it rolled up at the bottom with your hip...only to accidentally cut it too short and start all over or stare at the little space of board that is not covered.

Conferences are long but it is so rewarding to hear the parents talk about what their kids come home saying and that they are learning so much. I never know if they are taking home things from school so the confirmation feels good.

Somebody who is in therapy for control issues should come to the art center on glitter day where 40 kids come through and for most, experience their first time with glitter. There is no hope of gaining any sense of control or organization. Glitter will be everywhere and there is simply no stopping it.

We made ornaments for the parents. I really tried to come up with something that a 4 year could do independently since it is from THEM and I certainly did not want to end up fixing and making 39 ornaments.  While it consisted of popsicle sticks and pom poms, I still had to put together 38 out of the 39.  Oops!

While putting together our "Pre-K Book of Thanks" the naughty kid said he was "tankful fo Mrs. Tousin".  I think my heart melted, dripped onto the floor, and was left there as a puddle.

There are pros and cons to teaching in a small, midwest district.  PRO: I have "Merry Christmas-ed" all over the place.  We have a Christmas tree, Christmas concert, Christmas cards, Christmas crafts, and Christmas party.  I don't have to do much "tiptoeing" around the holiday season and while I understand and appreciate differences, it has been nice to celebrate with the kids.

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