Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wanted: Miles the Cat

A cathunt is underway in the northeast part of Iowa for a feline who goes by the name of Miles. Miles is wanted for the crime of kidnapping, as he has now abducted both a baby bunny and baby bird from their homes. The baby bunny has been returned safely however, news reports conclude the state of the baby bird is unknown and may be critical. We cannot assume his snatching spree is done. His parents are quoted stating, "We did not see this coming."

It's amazing what you learn about a person when your cat sneaks home a bunny in the middle of the night. Seeing my husband in a time of crisis was certainly a surprise. Although a baby bunny running around the house at 12:30 may seem like a very minor crisis, it has shown me that perhaps we need to drill so Will can practice for things that might REALLY freak us out. When Miles refused to come home the other night, we left the window slightly open and he apparently thought it was meant to welcome anyone. As soon as we saw the unwelcome guest hopping about, Will went into panic mode and my uncontrollable giggle fit was aimed at both the situation and Will's hysteria. He is usually such a logical "fix it" type of person that it was simply funny (not to him) to see him as a spaz. After securing our toes' protection with slippers and the aid of a broom, cooler and fly swatter, we returned the confused bunny safely outside. Miles apparently did not get the hint that all birdies are not welcome when he proudly brought home a second guest yesterday. Again, Will was in a panic but I lost all sympathy when he claimed we must raise the baby bird. Call me heartless, but N.O. Will's big heart with animals in endearing, but my health is already in jeopardy scooping the liter box.

After sanitizing the whole house twice, increased blood pressure, and nearly becoming bird people, the window will no longer be cracked for the cat.

Miles is actually really adorable- and yes, I am positing multiple pictures of my cat on a blog.  I'm that cool.

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