Saturday, June 2, 2012

Let Freedom Ring!

Graduation was all really just a dirty trick as I had one class left during May term. Being June 2nd, I am completely, officially, finally, and thankfully done with my undergrad! I'm breathing a few sighs of relief.

Looking back, I started to think about advice I would offer incoming freshman.  I also asked my best friend Pia what she would suggest. Here's what we came up with: -Dress up on test days.  It helps you take the test seriously and approach it with just the slightest bit more confidence.  -Pack your lunch and eat in class: It's healthier, cheaper, and munching makes the time go by faster.  -Volunteer to answer the questions you know so you are less likely to be called on randomly when you are unprepared. -Do more than your part with group work. The extra work is worth knowing what you are turning in. -Say good morning with a smile to your professors. It goes a long way.  -Don't act like you read the chapter when you didn't. Professors know, your peers know, and you will look stupid. -Get a least one classmates phone number the first week of class. In those frantic moments when your confused or forgot something it is very helpful. -Go to class. The extra 40 min. of sleep or what have you is not worth stressing out over what you missed.    -Do not raise your hand to elaborate on/question the lecture 2 minutes before class gets out.  People will hate you.  -Don't take the elevator down. You look ridiculous.  -Get out of your comfort zone. Try new things. Make friends. -Don't wear pajamas to class. You are going to college to be a professional.  -Have a staple "interesting fact about yourself".  Every professor uses this on the first day of class which equals roughly 36 times you have to freak out in your chair until it's your turn and then see what comes out of your mouth.  Having a standard "interesting fact" is helpful. Exaggerations are acceptable.  -Some professors will be nut cases.  Just take the easy A.   -Stand up for yourself. It gets easier the more you do it.  -YOU are your own advisor. Expect nothing from that office.  -Try really, really hard not to transfer.  -Leave your dorm room door open as much as possible.  -Befriend your R.A.  -Don't be too cool for a backpack. Your overflowing purse and trips over dropped books doesn't look so cute either (personal experience).  -Sit in the front.  You get so much more out of the class and don't "check out" as much.  -50 percent of the class didn't try as hard on the paper. So stop analyzing it.  -Jump through the hoops of college with poise and understanding.  It's easy to get bitter about the silly run-a-rounds you get and worthless requirements. Stay above it.   -Don't dwell over things and take has many opportunities as you can because they do only come once. -Pia Lastly, I came upon a journal entry that portrays what one may feel like once in a while during college.  Although I do not condone skipping class, apparently I felt like it was very necessary on this day:  There is at least one day during the semester that the thought of sitting through class physically hurts. It's the day when you spend more time thinking of reasons you should NOT go to class than just going to class. After reasoning during the entire drive on why class was not a good idea today, I pulled into a jam-packed parking lot. I knew I would get a ticket if I made up my own spot and the parking office lady has proved time and time again that she has no sympathy for my parking complaints. Then, suddenly I remembered how large, open, and car-free Hobby Lobby's parking lot is. So I decided I should probably just go there instead. I was also late for class so going to Hobs Lobs would save me from having to partake in the late rule for this particular class, which is standing in the doorway upon late arrival and saying no more than "I'm incompetent" to the entire class. So from skipping class I accomplished several things: I saved 10 dollars (ticket), dodged embarrassment, and indulged in Hobby Lobby therapy. If this isn't success, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Love your list! Congrats on being officially DONE! It must feel SOO good! :)


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