Saturday, June 16, 2012

The 30 Day Challenge for Dads

My summer routine, though rigorous and demanding, has brought me back to The Today Show every morning. It's good to be back with my friends Hoda and Kathie Lee and I believe they must have missed me too.  I can always count on them being festive, with their topics highlighting most recent events and holidays.  As Father's Day quickly approaches, the ladies were on top of things as they have had guest dads, gifts for dads, stories about dads, style for dads, etc., etc. Of course, Kathie Lee and Hoda do their part to better our lives between the sips of their 7 am cocktails and on this particular "Winesday" they delivered a self-help segment titled something along the lines of "The 30 Day Challenge for Dads". Viewer discretion is well advised when producers assign self-help topics to the likes of Kathie Lee and Hoda, however, I being my tried and true self, stayed with the program.  I listened to some kind of "expert" list the ways to improve fatherhood and relationships, particularly between father and daughter.  Then, I decided there is just something I must say about this.  My dad not only completed the "30 Day Challenge for Dads" long ago, but he did it with:
A) no list
B) for 30 years, not 30 days.
C) has exceeded the list (as the list seemed to cover the minimum of what he's done as a dad.) 

I haven't been able to get my hands on that list to prove to everyone how my dad has covered all of these things time and time again and because I do not have America's list, I have made my own.
Please feel free to use it has a checklist, as it has gotten my dad the highest of marks.  Do keep note, the list includes the top favorite things my dad has done, but not all he has done.  I need a book for that, not a blog.  Also, these things have been written and experienced by a loving daughter that thinks her dad is the tops.  This means, it's a fool proof list and I may just be qualified to be Kathie Lee and Hoda's next expert.  I can free my schedule in June 2013 if need be; emergency bookings for yet this year, will come with increased pricing.

"Mae's 36 Day Challenge for Dads of Daughters", as inspired by Kent Jorgensen: 

1. Even when she is grown and married still love her like she was the 4 year old in ruffles.
2. Call her "just to hear her voice".
3. Take her shopping and tell her which outfit looks best.
4. Love her mother.
5. Leave encouragement notes on the bathroom mirror when she has a big day at school.
6. Get to know her friends and recognize how special they are to her.
7. Stand up for her when she is just learning how to do it on her own.
8. Keep her favorite ice cream in stock.
9. Drive 3 hours there and back just to have dinner with her.
10. E-mail her just to tell her how much you enjoyed her blog.
11. Step out of a meeting to take her call.
12.Nurture not only your relationship with her, but her relationship with her siblings.
13.Take her on trips.
14. Listen.
15. Be slow to offer advice, but always willing and ready.
16. Be her social group when friends are scarce.
17. Be silly.
18. Tell her she's pretty, smart, and kind.
19. Go to all three showings of her first play.
20. Build a relationship with her husband and treat him like a son.
21. Do her hair for school when her mom is gone.  Claim pigtails as your absolute favorite.
22. Treat your kids as individuals who have unique needs and talents.  Support their aspirations.
23. Tell stories.  Made-up ones and real ones.
24. Buy her flowers on Valentine's Day.
25. Paint her room 87 times when she either needs a change or is embracing her short-lived interest in interior design.
26. Pray for her multiple times a day.
27. Respect her and treat her like a lady.
28. Question her ideas without being condescending.
29. Be honest all the time. Even when it's hard and may make her sad.
30. Get her pets. 
31. Tuck her in every night.
32. If she is late for dinner, sit with her while she eats.
33. Be real with her and keep promises.
34. Paint her nails
35. Cry with her when her heart is broken.
36. Model qualities you will want her to marry.

This list doesn't even touch the tippy top point of the surface.  I think if you dads do a few,  you are in pretty good shape.  My dad has set up a challenge that cannot often be met.  Don't feel bad.

Best Dad in the WWW, love you SO much and you mean everything to me!

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