Monday, May 28, 2012

The Lake

"The great fact in life, the always possible escape from dullness, was the lake." -Willa Cather

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"I'm a Teacher: What's Your Superpower?"

Come August, I will be a Pre-K teacher in a small Iowa town.  I am SO EXCITED! In a couple days when it has settled in that I'm employed and will have 40 little faces starring at me in a few months awaiting my direction (or running around not caring about my direction), I will most likely start freaking out a little.  But for now, I HAVE A JOB! A career job! A job that I have gone to school for that applies my expertise and passions! I am real-life teacher!

A week ago I had the interview and I have been biting my tongue in prayer not to say, "Please give me the job!", but rather "it's your plan" (major fail on several occasions).  True to college's analysis procedure (and Jorgensen procedure), I believed God would want a reason why I wanted a teaching job.  I really thought about it.  Would it be nice to say to the snooty know-it-alls, "Yeah, I'm already employed", or get to creating the cutest classroom in the district? Yes, it would be.  But, I need to aim to have the purest of hearts with my request. It would also be nice to get a paycheck, for Will and I to reclaim some stability, and to use my education.  I do think the latter are reasonable reasons, but when going into teaching, one will not get through the days without keeping the kids the focus. You don't really get into teaching for the money or status, so keeping the main thing the main thing may keep the motivation going for a bit longer.  So that left me with the kids.  What do I want them to get out of my classroom?  What do I want to show them? Obviously, I want them to learn their ABC's and 123's and academically/socially/physically reach their greatest potential.  And I expect them to do just that.  With effective instruction, expectations, productive play, and many other things, I know this will happen.  So what is going to be unique about my classroom that may have a greater personal impact on little 4-year olds than knowing what the letter "A" says and throwing a ball?  I have come to the conclusion (as of now) that I want my classroom characterized by grace.  While discipline is essential, I want them to know that although they may make mistakes, misbehave, or test my patience, they still have a special place in the classroom and are accepted.  Each day will be a new start.   No matter the smacks, spit, tantrums, etc. I get the previous day, they will be greeted the next day with a smile and hug.  It may seem small, but I'm thinkin' with forty 4-year olds it's tougher than you think. I actually am unsure this is humanly possible, but I think it's a good approach.
This is my tatic as of now.  Talk to me in a few months and see if it's holding up :).  I will try my best to implement this practice and some days it may be completely insincere.  There will be days I am saying chipper "Hello's" through gritted teeth. We'll see.

Will is very excited as well.  He has forever been dating/married to a college student so this will be a good change.  It has given us both encouragement for planning the future and starting the next phase of life.  So far, I'm lovin' this phase- I've gotten flower bouquets twice in 2 weeks! Whoa.

Monday, May 14, 2012


How many celebrations can you fit into one weekend? I'm convinced there is no limit, but my sister may disagree as we fit Sage's Dedication, Aiden's 4th Birthday, Mother's Day, my dad's birthday, and Will's birthday all into one weekend.  Somehow, we managed to get some things done at the cabin AND relax.

May 11th was upon me once again.  The one day a year when I muster up the courage to dig the Kitchen Aid out for Will's birthday cake.  When he refused a piece of his requested Oreo cake (which took ALL day to make) I about had a heart attack. A yellow Pillsbury box mix is on the menu for next year. 

 Man Cave addition: Pool table - This room may become the hot spot.  Lord knows we've got enough chairs in it (wink, mom and dad). 

Flower planting time: 

I think Will is in his chest waders at the lake more than real pants. 


Sagey's Dedication: Mama and Sage

Marme and Sage

Happy Birthday Hubby Lovin'! Along with a few birthday treats Will purchased "readers" on his birthday.  Oh dear. 

The tiger of the hour! Aiden's "Tiger Party" was grrrrrrreat! 

Sage: Festive for the party

Will and Ami's gift (with Marme's help) was western gear.  Your welcome, Jenny. 

Sunday morning love boat: 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


My first day of college:

Well, it's about time.  I am now a graduate of the University of Northern Iowa. It has been a long. haul.  Six years is most likely no record, but it's quite long enough.  I thought graduation would be be filled with nothing but celebration, relief, and pure joy.  However, as I was packing away graduation memoriliba and filing student teaching papers this giant feeling of, "But..what now!?" came over me.  Thanks to college, I have worked long and hard on the self-talk that eases anxiety of frequent freak-outs.  So, I quickly provided myself an answer.  Now I am moving onto a new chapter where I get to apply for jobs that people with degrees can consider. I can start my career, have an income, and feel like a grown up (come with that what may).  I am done talking to snooty advisors, pleading with professors to let me in full classes, and sprinting across campus in snow/sleet/and rain to ensure my 2 attendance points.  However, apart from a degree in my pocket and being free of minor college hassles, I do not know what is next.  And with my self-talk and Jerimiah 29:11, I am trying really hard to be okay with that.  I am sure there are a small handful of recent graduates who are feeling the same way.

Like my entire college career, my family was with me at my graduation cheering me on.  I am still trying to figure out a bigger way to say thank you to my parents.  Saying the same words to the man who bags my groceries and my parents who supported me through a pain-in-the-butt college career just seems wrong.  Since I have yet to come up with something, a thank you from the deepest part of my heart will have to do.  Someday when I am a rich teacher (ha) I will send them on a fancy European tour or buy them a shiny yacht named, "It's about time". 

Each year of college has held events, people, and friends that have given me memories and shaped who I am.  Through college I have not only gained a degree, but also confidence.  I have seen kindness move mountains, the importance of family/support, and the value of education.

Graduation pics below: My cheerteam keeps getting cuter.  By the time I get my Master's I'm going to be taking a big family of knock-outs to the ceremony. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The End

For any kind of milestone or celebration, Olive Garden is always appropriate.  Therefore, Will and I promptly made our way after my last day of student teaching to gorge ourselves with pasta, breadsticks, and strawberry daiquiries . Ok...I may have been alone on the strawberry daiquirie. A girl's got to celebrate.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

G is for Goodbye

Tomorrow is my last day in my Pre-K student teaching placement.  Correction: It is my last day of student teaching EVER.  I started student teaching 16 weeks ago, so it was 16 weeks ago that I began the  crying/overreacting/whining phone calls to my mom.  It goes without saying that I am simply happy I have successfully finished.  While I was the student teaching Scrooge, there were so many joys in each day.  It was just hard to focus on those things when there were assignments, coordinators, and full blown anxiety in the back of my head.  Friday was my last day teaching so this week I have had the chance to take some deep breaths and simply enjoy the kids.  The conversations and ideas of four and five year olds continue to surprise me and solidify my career in teaching.  There is so much in education that take the focus away from the kids that by the end of the day you nearly forget the whole point of the career.  Taking the time to enjoy them brings the focus back to the sweet and eager hearts/minds you are there for.  It has been a great way to end student teaching and dare I say, I might....miss...them...? Yikes! She does have a heart after these past 4 months. Who would have thought?

Since there are two groups of kids, each coming 2 1/2 days a week, it was my last day with one group so we had Goodbye Party #1.   Since I did a "camping" theme with the kids and we made s'mores the other week, I thought the s'more cupcakes I spotted at the store were a perfect "goodbye treat".  The kids did too :). Along with a sugar high, I sent them off with a picture of themselves doing one of our camping projects (these 4 year olds LOVE photos of themselves) and a thank you.  They each presented me with a card of scribbles, explaining what each scribble line was.  I must admit I got a little choked up when the most challenging little guy of the class "wrote" the most heart felt message and was on Cloud 9 giving it to me.  Come to think of it, the troublesome ones are the ones I'll miss and think of the most.

I wish each and every one of the Pre-K cuties the best and know they will do great things in Kindergarten! As for me- GRADUATION IS SATURDAY! WOOOO!

Below are a few things we have done throughout the past few weeks!

Grass Hair Project: Haircut day!



 Nature Scavenger Hunt

Building our classroom campsite

"Roasting" marshmallows for the s'mores.

Nature Scavenger Hunt


 Our Alphabet

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