Wednesday, May 2, 2012

G is for Goodbye

Tomorrow is my last day in my Pre-K student teaching placement.  Correction: It is my last day of student teaching EVER.  I started student teaching 16 weeks ago, so it was 16 weeks ago that I began the  crying/overreacting/whining phone calls to my mom.  It goes without saying that I am simply happy I have successfully finished.  While I was the student teaching Scrooge, there were so many joys in each day.  It was just hard to focus on those things when there were assignments, coordinators, and full blown anxiety in the back of my head.  Friday was my last day teaching so this week I have had the chance to take some deep breaths and simply enjoy the kids.  The conversations and ideas of four and five year olds continue to surprise me and solidify my career in teaching.  There is so much in education that take the focus away from the kids that by the end of the day you nearly forget the whole point of the career.  Taking the time to enjoy them brings the focus back to the sweet and eager hearts/minds you are there for.  It has been a great way to end student teaching and dare I say, I might....miss...them...? Yikes! She does have a heart after these past 4 months. Who would have thought?

Since there are two groups of kids, each coming 2 1/2 days a week, it was my last day with one group so we had Goodbye Party #1.   Since I did a "camping" theme with the kids and we made s'mores the other week, I thought the s'more cupcakes I spotted at the store were a perfect "goodbye treat".  The kids did too :). Along with a sugar high, I sent them off with a picture of themselves doing one of our camping projects (these 4 year olds LOVE photos of themselves) and a thank you.  They each presented me with a card of scribbles, explaining what each scribble line was.  I must admit I got a little choked up when the most challenging little guy of the class "wrote" the most heart felt message and was on Cloud 9 giving it to me.  Come to think of it, the troublesome ones are the ones I'll miss and think of the most.

I wish each and every one of the Pre-K cuties the best and know they will do great things in Kindergarten! As for me- GRADUATION IS SATURDAY! WOOOO!

Below are a few things we have done throughout the past few weeks!

Grass Hair Project: Haircut day!



 Nature Scavenger Hunt

Building our classroom campsite

"Roasting" marshmallows for the s'mores.

Nature Scavenger Hunt


 Our Alphabet

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

congrats on finishing and good luck on the job search! :)

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