Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fashion Sales

I tell her "the dress makes you thin"
"the colors-so good it's a sin!"
She agrees with my thought
though it's just poppycock-
But some cash- she's looking to spend.

"Layers are the trend of the year.
Go look! You'll see in the mirror.
So you must buy a few-"
I'm a fashion gurue.
or so, for some reason, you think.

I gather three pieces of flaire.
More plastic and fabric I wear.
with accessories on,
my outfits a con
the girls scavange for the rings that they see.

Why do they look all the same?
Am I the girl who's to blame?
I tell them the fashion,
soon they will cash in
and blend into the posh Scottsdale scene.

A girl new to town comes to me,
She's single and sweet like ice cream.
She says she needs clothes
and no style she shows-
but she wants to attract a nice boy.

I tell her "Go shop your own room"!
Trends won't find you a groom.
You have your own look
and you can't be mistook
Your passions will attract your soul mate.

Mae Cousin

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