Friday, March 12, 2010

no more teachers, no more books, more kids!

This semester has slowly been progressing and I had my mind set that this was the semester I would just have to make it through with very little enjoyment.  My classes aren't neccessarily difficult there is just a great deal of lecturing and to put it bluntly, boredom.  It's sounds odd that elementary education classes would be boring since our entire career is going to be spent with ~eight year olds but there are many nuts and bolts to teaching.  I know it's important to know these things and going without it is impossible but I don't need a 45 minute lecture on what to do if a kinder doesn't get a lollipop on Valentines Day.  However, this is the fourth week of my internship in 2nd grade and although I'm with these kids 6-8 hours a week, it's getting me through the numerous lectures on why not to put option "all of the above" on tests about puppies.
Since I changed my major to elementary ed. I knew it was a good fit but I'm beginning to see it's a GREAT fit.  I'm actually a little disappointed when 11:00 rolls around on Wednesday and my duty is done in 2nd grade until the next week.  The spirit and compassion the kids show you is instantly contagious and I find myself being being as excited as them about the airplane they saw.  Can you imagine the sight of an airplane overhead just making your entire week seem incredible?
I have been with these kids for such a tiny part of their week but I have never received so many hugs from complete strangers.   All I have to do is have a 30 second conversation about how my favorite snacks are Nature Valley granola bars too and they think you are the coolest thing since tetherball.
Bill Cosby used to have a show called "Kids Say the Darnest Things" and I have no idea what happened to it but it needs to be re-considered.  I don't yet have enough quotes for a TV show but I do have a few. Names have been changed to ensure victim protection.
Please feel free to giggle at the following:

"At recess I think I heard by vein pop. I need ice."
"I need to go to the nurse." -How come?  "I hurt my wrist a year ago."
"Just a sec.  I have to spit something out."  -Are you ok?  "Yeah, I just sucked in a booger into my mouth from my nose and I was chewin' it."
"Did you hear that Sally's got the nits?" (referring to lice)
"Mrs. Cousin...what's your real name?"
"Police officer, my dad speeds alllll the time.  Have you caught my dad before?"
"My mom is going to date my gym teacher.  They haven't met yet but he always winks at me."
"They aren't my grandparents. They are my grandma and grandpa."
" you think it will hurt if a Leperchan pinches me?...or should I wear ALL green just to make sure?
"I grew up in California and then moved here."

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