Friday, March 12, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

These are few of my favorite things right now. I suggest you read it, eat it, or do it.

"Augustine" by Melanie Watt (Childrens book) I wrote a lesson plan on sequencing events in a story so I had to go through by book collection to find a story that had a solid beginning, middle, and end.  I forgot I had this book and then remembered how adorable it is. It's about a penguin that moves from the north to south pool and is full of very cute penguin puns. I suggest a read.

Welch's fruit snacks. - At an elementary school where I have class they have a little snack shack for the ASU students who come and go and I discovered Welch's fruit snacks.  Since I overdosed on Scooby-Doo fruit funs in middle school passing time I haven't been able to find these candy-in-disguise snacks appealing but I'm now hooked again. Delicious!

King of Queens- There comes a time in a girls life when "Friends" and "The Office" re-runs have passed by memorization and onto just obsession. So, I have ventured out a little bit and have added "King of Queens" to my favorite re-runs list.  It prompts some good laughs.

vanilla chai tea- I have began to ween myself off coffee and move on to tea. I figure it's a little less harsh on the teeth and probably healthier (although I haven't done the research on this particular kind) With a little sugar and milk this is a great start to the AM.

Bath and Body Works foam soap- Although I'm not one to spring for the extra dollar on things like soap, B &BW foam soap is great.  It lasts forever and makes handwashing a bit more fun and amazing smelling.

Mom's Best frosted mini wheats- I'm a girl of routine and this cereal is a part of EVERY morning.  I buy by the bulk.  It's all natural, delicious, and cheaper than even generic brand cereal.  You can also get it at any general grocery store without having to make a special trip to the fancy grocery store with wood floors.

Exercise- Will and I recenty joined LA fitness and I'm definilty getting into it.  Just a short hour makes you feel great and gives you extra energy.  AND if you pick your go-time right you can avoid the muscle heads and claim it as YOUR gym.

Jaymay (the singer/songwriter) - I haven't listened to alot of her stuff yet but I like what I've got.  Song suggested for download: Gray or Blue

American Eagle undies- I've been hearing about some disappointments with Victoria's Secret panties lately and I suggest not making a complete switch-but trying out AE's underwear line.  They are usually on sale, very comfy, and adorable.  The fabric is alot thicker than Vickies now-a-days so they probably last longer.

Honey and chocolate graham Goldfish- Cover your ears but they are better than teddy grahams.  Especially the honey... the package is small so if you are planning a night in of movie marathons grab a couple packs.  To add a touch with low calories add marshmellows to the mix :)

Sweet leaf tea- DELICIOUS! You can buy this at gas stations for only 99 cents for a tall can.  It's all natural and has about three flavors.  It is a great replacement for Arizona tea that has high fructose corn syrup listed as one of the first ingredients.  Warning: you may get hooked and make a stop daily.

I will leave you with that.  Please note that I'm experiencing some technical difficulties with my blog and can't spell check. So- forgive me.

no more teachers, no more books, more kids!

This semester has slowly been progressing and I had my mind set that this was the semester I would just have to make it through with very little enjoyment.  My classes aren't neccessarily difficult there is just a great deal of lecturing and to put it bluntly, boredom.  It's sounds odd that elementary education classes would be boring since our entire career is going to be spent with ~eight year olds but there are many nuts and bolts to teaching.  I know it's important to know these things and going without it is impossible but I don't need a 45 minute lecture on what to do if a kinder doesn't get a lollipop on Valentines Day.  However, this is the fourth week of my internship in 2nd grade and although I'm with these kids 6-8 hours a week, it's getting me through the numerous lectures on why not to put option "all of the above" on tests about puppies.
Since I changed my major to elementary ed. I knew it was a good fit but I'm beginning to see it's a GREAT fit.  I'm actually a little disappointed when 11:00 rolls around on Wednesday and my duty is done in 2nd grade until the next week.  The spirit and compassion the kids show you is instantly contagious and I find myself being being as excited as them about the airplane they saw.  Can you imagine the sight of an airplane overhead just making your entire week seem incredible?
I have been with these kids for such a tiny part of their week but I have never received so many hugs from complete strangers.   All I have to do is have a 30 second conversation about how my favorite snacks are Nature Valley granola bars too and they think you are the coolest thing since tetherball.
Bill Cosby used to have a show called "Kids Say the Darnest Things" and I have no idea what happened to it but it needs to be re-considered.  I don't yet have enough quotes for a TV show but I do have a few. Names have been changed to ensure victim protection.
Please feel free to giggle at the following:

"At recess I think I heard by vein pop. I need ice."
"I need to go to the nurse." -How come?  "I hurt my wrist a year ago."
"Just a sec.  I have to spit something out."  -Are you ok?  "Yeah, I just sucked in a booger into my mouth from my nose and I was chewin' it."
"Did you hear that Sally's got the nits?" (referring to lice)
"Mrs. Cousin...what's your real name?"
"Police officer, my dad speeds alllll the time.  Have you caught my dad before?"
"My mom is going to date my gym teacher.  They haven't met yet but he always winks at me."
"They aren't my grandparents. They are my grandma and grandpa."
" you think it will hurt if a Leperchan pinches me?...or should I wear ALL green just to make sure?
"I grew up in California and then moved here."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

1 year...and a couple weeks :)

This is long overdue but I must assure you, we did NOT overlook our one year anniversary! Will and I have officially been married for a whole year and there have been few tears, many giggles, and many, many kisses. Although as I get older I am beginning to crap out on celebrating minor holidays a little bit, Will and I vowed long ago that when we were married EVERY anniversary would be our biggest celebration and never would it be a causual occasion. Although it's been a breeze this year, we understand that some years down the road won't be easy and celebrating our committment to each other should always be valued and a priority.
I put a small damper on the day by procrasting a eight page research critique that was due the night of our anniversary. However, I got it done(and recieved a perfect, go me), and we then began the festivities. I have been saving a T-shirt I found to wear for the occasion (photo below) so I would have the perfect attire for each part of the day:). We read our vows to each other and then ate (tasted) our cake from one year ago. Note to cake lovers: it's better a year later, honest! Either that or my dress was so tight a year ago that I couldn't taste it. Hmm... OR could it be that the DJ had me running around so much that I never had any cake? Whatever the case, it was a good photo opportunity and we enjoyed re-living a gorgeous day. I also vowed a long time ago that on every anniversary I would put on my wedding dress. Since it's a million miles away, year one was missed but mark my words, anniversary two will have this in store. Could this be another motivation to move back? :)
For dinner we had our first fine dining experience. Scottsdale offers lots of options but we chose a place I had been eyeing for quite some time that our friend Eric happens to work at. Thankfully, Keitaro and Tori gifted me with the perfect cocktail dress and Will gussied himself up. We felt VERY fancy over the whole deal. We cozied ourself in The Mission which is a super, super old building (specifics have been forgotton) attached to an old church. It's all candle lit with antique chandliers and a himalayn salt rock wall. Eric spoiled us with a bottle of wine, appetizers, and taught us all the fancy etiquette. It's the kind of place where the guests analyze the cork and do some sniffing and swirling and all this crazy stuff, but I think most of it's for show. I had to remind my small town Iowan husband NOT to dig his fork in his shoe to itch his foot and the burbing habits acquired from my father were kept to a minimum.
In summary, it was very romantic and I think it's essentail to have at least one day a year dedicated to simply two people loving each other no matter what. Fine dining is the least we can do:)

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