Saturday, October 10, 2009

Seasonal Pants

While my fellow midwesterners are reluctantly pulling out their wools and longunder wear from hibernation, I am basking in rays of sunshine. ahhh...:) On the up side, they now have even more excuses to snuggle their grandchildren, nieces, brothers, etc. It goes without saying, they still have the upper hand. I wouldn't have thought, but it's quite different not having drastic season changes from week to week. I have been picking up on how Iowa has shaped Will and I as we have gotton out of that comfort zone but I never thought it shaped our climate instincts...let me explain. As I was helping Will pick out an outfit for a lunch he was holding, we layed out his pants. Because of this, that, or the other thing, our options left us with two pant choices (Will is very particular). Our options cut down considerably, we now had two nearly identical pair of gray striped pants. Oh but no my friends, they were only similar to the naked eye. You see, Will had at some point, dubbed one pair of pants, "winter pants" and the other pair "summer pants". He certainly could not wear winter pants when it's 80 outside therefore, we were left with one pair of pants, with none to pack for his trip to Vegas(for work). I was not under the notion that pants, other than corderoy, were season-sensitive. Through feeling, sizing up the color difference, and thinking too much, I came to the conclusion that the pants were as suspected; the same. So, conclusion: my analytical Iowan husband, seems to be missing season change as much as I. P.S. I am still wondering when it will be appropriate for Will to wear his "winter pants" down here in Arizona.

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