Saturday, October 24, 2009


My blog vaca has officially come to an end. Being thankful that I now have a small following, I need to try to keep it. Although I would love to inform all that I have been a blog absentee for exciting reasons, that's not the case. However, a month of excitement can be as equally bad as good, so I'm appreciating the steady ride right now. Because of the concentration I have been putting on, dare I say, higher priority things other than my blog, I'm going to engage you in alittle game of catch-up for this entry. Ketchup 1: MY BIRTHDAY! My birthday was the fourteenth and it was wonderful. Who doesn't enjoy a day dedicated to them gracing the earth? The girls informed me that they mark their birthday as either celebration week or month...this sounded fabulous but by day three I was willing to give up the lime light. Still, celebration was still in order and we conducted this by several things. Here's the timeline. AM: Morning TV lineup. Today show followed by The View. Cute birthday outfit on completed with new heels and a headband. Afternoon: Class. Heels not feelin' too good walking on campus. Late Afternoon: Get home to Will. Birthday headband squeezing my brains together but I'm still stickin' it out. PM: Delicious dinner at My Big Fat Greek Resturant. Birthday outfit not feelin' so cute anymore. So, after a full wednesday celebration we wrapped it up on Friday with a few friends at Saddle Ranch in old town scottsdale where I asked for one, tasty margarita and they gave me a pitcher and I said it's my birthday and they gave me a giant vase of cotton candy and a serenade. It was a wonderful birthday and thank you for the mail, gifts, calls, voicemails, letters, ETC! I love you all and I'm so blessed. Ketchup 2: Miles is progressing very timely in both his kitty development and social development. I have put much focus and time into his social well-being because as a kitty, he is prone to negative social behavior. He plays constantly with whoever, whenever, and whereever. Needless to say, I'm a proud parent. Although he is very well socialized and has become extemely attached to Will and I, he still remains my special needs kitty. He is anatomically flawed a tad... but who's not to say a kitty can't have 24 toes? Clipping his nails is simply a longer process but he doesn't mind and neither do we. Pia calls him my clearance kitty because he was five dollars and has alittle imperfection but I think he's priceless and perfect. Ketchup 3: There is no update on the weather. It's still sunny every single day. Kethup 4: JONNY'S COMING! Jonny will be here this weekend which is therapy for both Will and I. I'm sure he will leave his mark in Scottsdale. Ketchup 5: It's been a few years since I have been roped into going to a haunted house but they all got to me this year and I made the walk down death row to the scottsdale haunted house. I did not have to take a change of underwear and pants but it crossed my mind several times. With last minute port-a-potty runs and air-tight closed eyes I made it through. The drive-in movie theater was my vote for a nice friday night in the desert but why not add a little stress to your weekend? Ketchup 6: Grandma and Grandpa Salsbury were in town and it was extremely nice to reconnect with grandparents and see them. They took us to dinner in old town so we could all catch up ourselves. Ketchup 7: Tonight we went to Amy and Eric's for the Iowa game (Go Hawks). Will had some quality football time with the boys and I kept the conversation and munching flowing with the ladies. Ketchup 8: I have now admitted to myself that I am a horrible cook. The moment I bring the grocerys home they don't have a chance. Still, it's a dash and dish process and I made the step of getting out my electric mixer tonight. I had my doubts about needing something that weighed more than my husband to make a simple dip but I'm in love. I almost got out my thank you notes to write a second one to Randy D. because I feel my previous naieve thank you note did not do the incredible mixer and the job it does justice. I think I'll be spending tomorrow mixing... Miles discovered the fire place...might want to rethink this spot come Winter.

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