Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lazys and Crazys

My dryer has to cycle twice per load in order for the clothes to be dry. Will thinks the hamper is for all his clothes; clean or dirty. Calculating the math, I will be doing laundry for the next 234 years without stopping. However, my feud with the laundry is balanced out with my love for the vaccum. We finally invested in a vacuum. It's the cheapest thing on the market but I have reason to believe it can suck up elephants. As Pia refers to it, "vaccums are like toys for married women." You may just be onto something, Peas... So future guests, nevermind the hor'devour crumbs you leave about; they are welcome. As you can tell, Will and I had a VERY exciting weekend. You see, Will was very sick with a cold however, thankfully it was nothing long hours of video games with Jonny couldn't fix :). I kept myself occupied with 1/2 off saturday at GoodWill and re-arranging the closets. Secret: enjoyed every minute of it. So, with Will's, "itchy lungs" and my procrastination, the rest of our weekend was spent transformed into couch potatoes. So a couple weeks ago as I was walking on campus when a elderly lady tried to encourage me to sign some kind of petition. We chatted for a minute and it didn't take her long to get into the real meat of political corruption in today's society. Sadly, I am completely in the dark when it comes to politics and thought perhaps this lady will drop a little bug in my ear and I will become a bit more interested. She continued to ask my party and began boasting about how she is so experienced that she, herself, can tell a person's party just by glancin' at 'em. Astonished, I was eager for her to explain. The lady looked at me, nervous to reveal her secret know-how and said, "Republican's always wear white tennis shoes with white socks." HM........... I am still not motivated to engage in politics but I do wonder about their footwear. Eleanor already looks like cottage cheese from being loved...the make-over didn't last too long. The couch potatoe weekend did her in. Will's medicine: Call of Duty 4 vacuuming away...hey, you don't have to plug it in- I have no boundaries!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Are you sure that a vaccum that you don't plug in really sucks?? IT's funny, when Tom gets sick his doctor calls in that same prescription.

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