Friday, August 28, 2009

and repeat....

Me: Excuse me where is Payne Hall? Random Person: keep going until you hit the building with all the windows then turn right. Me: Thank you. (continue walking... come across 3 buildings made of windows...pick one to turn at...did she say right or left?... turn the wrong way... ask random person number two... repeat.) Tweak this scenario to fit different buildings and different confusions and you get school week number 1. ........................................... Me: Will, I missed my bus stop. Will you come pick me up on the corner? ........................................... Me: Yes, difficult math advisor, I know that the education dpt. OK-ed this and not you, but I have already taken this course as you can plainly see. Repeat this scenario a few times. ............................................ ............................................ OK! OK! My week wasn't THAT bad but it was a little hectic. Contrary to transfer students beliefs, being on three different campus's doesn't mean your new one will be a piece-of-cake. However, I do really like ASU. It is so much different than any campus I have been on. My favorite feature is the the education building is like the outside of a building with stairs and everything but the building is not closed off. The "inside" of the building has palm trees and benches... it's hard to explain but it kind of reminds me of a small, modern-day, colloseum. The union has a bowling alley, arcade, Starbucks, bank, fast-good galore, hair salon, EVERYTHING. A DJ was playing in the middle of campus this week while everyone long-boarded and biked with their beach crusier's to class. I have also met a few people in my classes and it feels so good to be around people and be busy! Sorry this entry is a little short but I was behind in Bio before it even started on, my thinking cap is becoming snug calling me to my books. I have been telling my classmates I have plastic-removal phobia with my Anatomy book because you can't return it after you unwrap it and, well, Bio is going to be a tad difficult... Carrying on tradition Will had to take my first day of school picture in front of the fireplace :) I also took a couple pictures of our new desert home. As you can see, Will's office/the guest bedroom is still in progress... 9689874" />

Thursday, August 20, 2009


What some do in an organized, leisurely, fashion, Will and I have accomplished in nearly a month. Do I recommend this? No... but I start school in a few days, Will is employed, and we are still madly in love. As I was making my way B.S.-ing through my 2nd e-mail to a mystery professor, trying to pursued him to cram me onto his full roster, my sweet groom looks at me and says, "How do you think one would go about hosting a luncheon for 35 people?...Because I have to do that on Monday." At that moment all the stress-induced tiffs and last minute plans became nothing but humorous to me. We looked at each other and just chuckled and confessed...we have no idea what we are doing. After this enlightenment, I flash-backed to our last marriage counseling meeting before our wedding and our mentor Stan Giles looking at us both and saying, "You two have no idea what you're doing." I was appalled...certainly not the romantic encouragement your expecting the week before your wedding and until yesterday I was still appalled. But the epiphany hit that we, the twenty some couple, with a new job in the south and more colleges on her record than socks in her drawer, really don't know what we are doing, but...that's OK. Quite frankly, that's what it's all about. A week after Pastor Stan told us we had no idea what we were doing he stood in front of God and everyone and married us. From an odd point of few... how encouraging. Although Will and I have only a scanty outline for life plans, I can still have complete faith in us. We are discovering and it's been pretty fun to do it together. Of course, my point of view will certainly be different when I have to go to class at 7 AM because I was last to register due to last minute moving/acceptance.. :) I'm not sure if Stan knew his comment would come around knocking on my memory after six months and finally make sense, but I'm now thankful for his blunt reality. ANYWAY, I had a relaxing and great weekend with my sister/Aiden/parents/tom...I think Jenny and Tom's house is really coming together and the homey feel has taken no time to acquire. We basically worked on the house all weekend and then Jenny and I recovered by watching streamed movies shown by tech-savvy Tom. Of course, Aiden and I played HARD. We make pretty fun playmates...if I do say so myself. Here's a couple pictures from the weekend... my little sundevil Aiden and Pappy painting loving on bunny eleanor oh AH-ME, your always kissin' me

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Once a Sundevil, Always a Hawkeye

Since Will has yet to receive his luggage from his... direct.. one hour flight... to New Mexico we had a prime excuse to go on a very extensive shopping trip courtesy of the airlines...hopefully :S Now, a shopping trip with my husband sounded like paradise to me. Shopping trips are usually done by myself and I'm almost getting bitter towards my bargain spots as they have been routine (because of all my spare time) rather than treats. BUT bringing my favorite boy with shook things up a bit and this little lady LOVES showing off her bargain skills...especially to one who shares her checkbook. With a line-up of discount stores I was excited for the new men items I would get to dig for. Will only wears one outfit so to get him options(especially options HE doesn't pick out) is a waste of effort and cash. But a full-lost-suitcase gave us a lengthy list. WELL, my digging through discounted-mens-wear did not last long! Will's head was apparently spinning and he began analyzing WHY the apparel was at the discount store. So, after ROSS and Marshalls he fired me from my management job and we ended up at a "normal" store... you know... where one rack has 20 of the same pant/color and your size is in plain sight and yada, yada, yada. BORING. The whole point is to dig for an hour until you find that one five dollar treasure. Am I right? It was still a very fun, lazy, long, Saturday that we got to get out and explore a little of our surroundings. The days are counting down until we are able to move into our Arizona love nest. This tiny cove is beginning to feed our imaginations with mysterious smells and people:) Mix my complete lack of athleticism and short attention span and you get a non-football fan. It's not that I do not LIKE football, it's just that I have duped games as social gatherings rather than opportunities to learn the all-American sport. HOWEVER, with very few reasons and no explanation I am still through and through a Hawkeye fan. Although I have supported now, three state universities I still remain true to the Hawkeyes, if nothing else, because I met my husband there... AND he is an Iowa graduate. Well, we have been hanging out with a split home (Amy=Cyclones, Eric=Hawkeyes) and Eric has quite a collection of his home team. Here are a couple of pictures of Will wearing a true Hawkeye helmet... And I caught this super cute look of Hayden that I have to share...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Moving forward...

My blog has not been forgotten! I have just been soaking in all the house and Hayden I can get while house sitting for Amy and Eric (they are in Hawaii). It's been a week of PROGRESS, which is very positive and exciting. I finally got my car so my freedom level has skyrocketed! Although with not much of a schedule that freedom includes checking out the thrifty spots and getting acquainted with the roads of Phoenix. I thought it would a great idea to introduce my car to Scottsdale with a smackdown... I slightly hit a car (my fault, but honest mistake). All is well.. the lady hasn't contacted me, nor my insurance company and by the time we got out of the 115 degree weather the little scuff was the least of her worries. Will is in Albuquerque through tomorrow and is fashioning the latest styles of my grandfather. His luggage failed to arrive with the plane so he had to make a midnight trip to Wal-Mart and put together a dress outfit for his day at the clinics. Between the tassels and pleats that he's told me about I'm excited to see what Wal-Marts finest has to offer when he gets home. It is ALWAYS lonely when Will has to travel for work but this time I actually had at least ONE thing to look forward to... MORE BED SPACE. Hayden (black lab), Will, and I, have all insisted that Hayden sleep with us in the queen bed while we are here and we love it. However...the space has gotten tighter by the night. So, with Will gone for a night or two I was looking forward to not waking up with an armpit or paw in my face. Turns out Hayden had been looking forward to the additional space too because he sprawled out on the entire bottom half of the bed while I was still cozy-ed in fetal position. Needless to say, there are now NO pros to Will being gone and we can't wait to pick him up from the airport tomorrow. :) Sizzle! Sizzle! I'm a Sun Devil! I'm officially a sun devil and had my group advising meeting today. Being on campus felt GREAT (my sweat glands would say otherwise). It felt fantastic to be on a campus again and know that things are progressing. In a matter of days I will have a schedule to my days and things to get done that have purpose. I think it will be very fun going to class with palm trees... although I told my Dad that I have to decide if I like going to class when it is 15 below zero or 115 better. :)

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