Thursday, August 20, 2009


What some do in an organized, leisurely, fashion, Will and I have accomplished in nearly a month. Do I recommend this? No... but I start school in a few days, Will is employed, and we are still madly in love. As I was making my way B.S.-ing through my 2nd e-mail to a mystery professor, trying to pursued him to cram me onto his full roster, my sweet groom looks at me and says, "How do you think one would go about hosting a luncheon for 35 people?...Because I have to do that on Monday." At that moment all the stress-induced tiffs and last minute plans became nothing but humorous to me. We looked at each other and just chuckled and confessed...we have no idea what we are doing. After this enlightenment, I flash-backed to our last marriage counseling meeting before our wedding and our mentor Stan Giles looking at us both and saying, "You two have no idea what you're doing." I was appalled...certainly not the romantic encouragement your expecting the week before your wedding and until yesterday I was still appalled. But the epiphany hit that we, the twenty some couple, with a new job in the south and more colleges on her record than socks in her drawer, really don't know what we are doing, but...that's OK. Quite frankly, that's what it's all about. A week after Pastor Stan told us we had no idea what we were doing he stood in front of God and everyone and married us. From an odd point of few... how encouraging. Although Will and I have only a scanty outline for life plans, I can still have complete faith in us. We are discovering and it's been pretty fun to do it together. Of course, my point of view will certainly be different when I have to go to class at 7 AM because I was last to register due to last minute moving/acceptance.. :) I'm not sure if Stan knew his comment would come around knocking on my memory after six months and finally make sense, but I'm now thankful for his blunt reality. ANYWAY, I had a relaxing and great weekend with my sister/Aiden/parents/tom...I think Jenny and Tom's house is really coming together and the homey feel has taken no time to acquire. We basically worked on the house all weekend and then Jenny and I recovered by watching streamed movies shown by tech-savvy Tom. Of course, Aiden and I played HARD. We make pretty fun playmates...if I do say so myself. Here's a couple pictures from the weekend... my little sundevil Aiden and Pappy painting loving on bunny eleanor oh AH-ME, your always kissin' me

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