Thursday, March 5, 2009

You don't lose.. you gain

This is my first "married life" blog.. The girl gains a husband, the boy gains a wife, the in-laws gain a child, the couple gains siblings, etc. and by etc. I mean.. BILLS. The couple gains bills. I'm suddenly getting more mail! I love mail.. but when they are long and narrow envelopes it means trouble. I used to get my new checks out just to admire the heading: William R. Cousin and Ashley Mae Cousin... now I'm getting it out for all different reasons and let me tell you, it's not near as exciting. Where are these people coming from? Student loans, the tax man, the truck, blah blah blah. BUT they only mean that we have a good vehicle, Will graduated, and I have enjoyed many relaxing hours watching cable... did you ever imagine there was a bright side to bills?

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