Wednesday, March 4, 2009

... Oh where have you been charming Billy?

Someone bring back my husband! I miss him! I'm trying not to complain too much because I know there are wives that can't even call there husbands very much. Since I can talk to him hourly it's hard to justify my complaints. BUT, nights are getting long, but I'm trying to keep busy and out of the empty apartment most of the day. Lots of exciting things have been filling my husband-missing time... - I got my hair evened out today. I cut it myself last week and although the hair lady was a little impressed it was looking a little odd once I stopped putting it up... I knew it was going to be a good day when she told me, "I can even out the layers but when you put it up you might have to use bobby pins" YES! Someone who appreciates the truly genius invention as much as I! -Pia and I tried to see how many technologies we could talk on at one time. We successfully accomplished the task by chatting through 5 portals: E-mail, facebook chat, gmail chat, cell-phone texting, and wall-posts. After I started going crazy and unplugged myself, I called her on the tele. -I returned a few wedding presents (doubles and such) which resulted in more giftcards. Will and I now have enough target giftcards to buy the entire corporation. My week really hasn't been THAT bad but I do miss my sweet husband! Only one more day and I will get to travel to see him. Until then I have a test coming up and I trust my professors will help keep me busy. :)

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