Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Campers of the Day: A Satire

I wrote this post awhile ago but never published it.  However, with ongoing career changes, I have continually seen the "humor" in this little story.  Read for your enjoyment, as little as you may get out of it. :)

I was telling my best friend Pia the other day about a classroom tactic I implemented to encourage positive behavior.  Known as "Campers of the Day", each afternoon I would appoint 2 students "Campers of the Day" and explain specifically what I saw that they did exceptionally well.  It was usually geared toward a situation I saw in which they were patient or especially kind to their peers and teachers.  While explaining this to Pia, she immediately had a problem with it.  "A person does not get awarded for being nice all the time! They just need to do it and not expect something." Well, of course she is right.  My argument was I was helping to get them into the "habit" and see the importance.  As we continued on with the conversation, it became apparent what the real life lesson must be.  And why not start with 4-year olds?  The storyline below was inspiried by 2 soon-to-be graduates, talented in their areas of education, and tormented about the uncertainty and reality of entering the workforce.

"Good morning boys and girls!  We can all meet on the carpet while we wait for the rest of our friends to join us today for another wonderful day in the classroom!" Sang Ms. Paula.  Little Benny eyed the tent in the corner that Ms. Paula had set up the previous week in preparation for the camping unit.  While creepy crawlers and s'mores were in the near future, a TENT in the CLASSROOM was incredible! The tent quickly reminded Benny that Ms. Paula would start "Campers of the Day" this afternoon. There would be two campers of the day chosen to sleep in the tent during rest time as a prize for making good choices. "It's like real-life camping in the classroom! And I'm going to be one of those campers today." Benny thought, very determined.

"Remember girls and boys," Ms. Paula sang out once again, "I am keeping both of my eyes out for the Campers of the Day today! Think about the choices you are making.  I know it will be VERY hard to pick with such wonderful students!"

That morning, Benny did everything he could to be the perfect friend to his classmates and Ms. Paula.  He shared the legos with a smile; even with Sam who smelled a little funny.  He responded to Ms. Paula's direction with an eager yes, please, or thank you, and he kept quiet in every line.  However, competition was not at a loss.  Betsy and Sam were doing a pretty good job too.  When the time for Ms. Paula's announcement came, Benny was on pins and needles.  Ms. Paula gathered everyone together and rang out, "Our 1st Camper of the Day today is.... Betsy! When Betsy was done journaling today she waited very patiently until I could come see her work. Thank you for your patience, sweetie!"  Alright, Benny thought.  1 more.  Sitting with a wide smile and hands clasped tight in his lap, he was sure he was in.  After all, most everyone else seemed to not even be paying attention and "Nasty Nick", named after his attitude couldn't possibly be considered.  Benny didn't even know why Betsy liked playing with him.  His mind eased as his confidence grew for the 2nd spot of "Camper of the Day".

"Betsy," said Ms. Paula, "I would like you to pick the 2nd camper of the day today".  "WHAT!?" Benny blurted as his hand shot up. "B..b..but.. why?"
There was no time for answering.  Betsy immediately proclaimed her pick. "Nick".  Benny was shocked! Nasty Nick?! He hadn't made a good choice all day....all year!

"Well, there you have it! Our two campers of the day.  Come rest time, we will find you each a cozy spot in the tent and I will write up your certificates to take home and share with your parents!"

Again, Benny shot his hand up in the air.  He waved it around frantically to perhaps get his point across that this was no silly story about his pet rabbit who ate a carrot this morning, as Betsy so commonly thought was of importance.

"Benny, do you have something to share?" Ms. Paula said sweetly.  "Well...I was just wondering why Betsy got to choose the 2nd camper."

"Well, sweetie, our lesson for today is, 'It's who you know'. Connections dear, connections."

And with that, the lesson was concluded.

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