Tuesday, January 1, 2013

To 2013!

I brought in the new year with the love of my life, my best friend and her love, good Italian food and wine, new lip gloss in my pocket, and on the verge of an adventure. I hope this is an indication of how 2013 will go. :) Embarrassingly enough, I think the last couple years Will and I have peeked at the strike of midnight through our slumber, so spending it out with good friends was refreshing.
Today we started the trek down to our new home where exploration awaits. There were a couple kinks in packing as I tried to downsize to fit in a little one bedroom city apartment. This being done by a girl who likes her stuff was a little stressful. But aside from a few unorganized boxes because of last minute frenzy, everything got packed. It's always tough to say goodbye, but with some loved ones already planning vacations it was a little easier. Here's to 2013 and all it brings! May the Lord make me brave and ambitious when facing the unfamiliar and continue to encourage Will through all his hard work!

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