Friday, July 13, 2012

Reality Change

While I still feel blessed to be employed in the field I have prepared for, for the past ...well...EVER, the honeymoon feeling of "I can't believe I got a job" is dwindling and the reality of entering the workforce is nipping at my heels.  I had some time in my classroom this week to do mostly snooping and rummaging to see what I'm working with.  Thankfully, I have lots of materials which helps in the overwhelming feeling I get when I think of planning and preparing for 40 kids.  Aside from the thoughts of the responsibility I will have with the kids, the realization that I have been coming to this summer is that there really is no "end" at this point.  In college, there was always a start and then shortly later an ending.  Classes started, then a few months later they ended and you never had to see the professor again, look at the material again, write another paper on that topic, etc. etc.  Then, a new class began starting the short cycle over.  And finally came graduation marking an end to college. Well, I'm in the workforce now and aside from retirement, there really is no end.  I am now "in" what I have worked toward.  This explanation is a bit fuzzy, but I suppose my point is that the pattern or rhythm of my life as I know it has changed.  There are no semesters and no final grades after 4 months.  It's just a long continuation of working.  I am very much okay with this as it's a positive change and progression to the next phase in life.

My classroom does not look like much right now, but hopefully I will put some of my magic teacher touch to the four walls in the next few weeks.  I'll be sure to post pictures.... if it ends up lookin' like something :).

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