Friday, September 2, 2011

My Life as a Super...Duper Senior #1.

The first day of class there are 3 things you have to be prepared for.
1.  Going through the syllabus with the class (even though you can read).
2.  Choosing the right seat purely based on quick judgement and impulse. (Your peers will expect you to sit in the same seat the entire semester.)
3.  Knowing what you are going to say when you have to introduce yourself to the class with "one unique/interesting thing about yourself".

I will be addressing number 3.  I think professors do this to make their first day of class a little more interesting.  For the people who were born without a gallbladder or have been to 20 countries by the age of 21, it's great.  They are set and have been using this one for years.  However, for the people who live pretty simple lives (and are okay with that), it's nerve racking and slightly annoying.  After the 2342nd time I have had to do this, I just started to make things up.  After all, let's make it interesting for ourselves too right? I find it unfair that the professor could be the only one who gets to have a little fun.  My unique facts have always been either little stretches from the truth or things my family members have done, but not I.  I have been an "established" drummer, avid hot-air balloon rider, and had a pet lamb.  Don't judge me.  I am usually not a fib teller but the "unique fact" seems to have been the trend for 1st day introductions for my entire college career.  Do the math: ~5 classes a semester, 10 semesters= 50 first day intros.  Yikes.

But alas! I now have a TRUE unique fact that has me set for the next (very few at this point) first day of classes. (drum roll) I have classes from 6 colleges on my transcripts.  With a class of twenty somethings, this is rare. The reaction I get from the professors is always a worried, "I'm sorry" look so I usually add a short explanation.  I'm not sure what first impression this forms; but I see perseverance, a supportive family, and a lot of headaches :).

I was flipping through old photos the other day and came across my 1st day of kindergarten photo.  With my mother starting this tradition, I am sure to keep it up.  Not the greatest picture but without further ado, a little girl grown up!  1st day of kindergarten to her 1st day of college senior (super duper senior) year.

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