Saturday, August 27, 2011

Missed a Spot...

The last couple days before the semester starts it feels like you are about to go on a long trip.  Please note that I was sure not to say "vacation", since a vacation has the connotation of being relaxing, etc.  I spent my last few couple days school-free cleaning, organizing, rearranging, and cramming in last minute crafts, while I still had free mind space for some creativity (craft posts to come).  Preparing for a long trip entails cleaning one's car from the tippy top down.  However, contrary to what I have believed growing up, cleaning the family vehicles from top to bottom is not necessarily the interest of every husband.  After initiating a Sunday afternoon car-cleaning, Will joined me and we tackled both vehicles.  While following his vacuuming with a wet rag, this is how it went:

Me: Oops! I think you missed a spot, honey!
2 minutes later...
Oh, did you not do in here?
1 minute later...
OK, WILL- Your going to have to bring yourself and that vacuum back up here.
Will:  [grumble, mumble]

Perhaps it's because of my fascination with how childhood experiences drastically affect your adulthood, but my annoyance was soon covered up with giggles.  Details and precision are rarely present in my personality, however this reaction to Will's "sloppy cleaning", purely came from my father's child rearing way of "do it right or don't do it" philosophy.  A man who cleans tires with a toothbrush and vacuums his new pontoon; I was lovingly dubbed the name "Kent" for the next few minutes.  Needless to say- our vehicles are sparkling and it aids in my confidence when starting a new busy semester.

I'm not sure what the moral or point of this random story is...but my conclusion is two-fold.
1. There are too many things in life that you can't control; but a clean car isn't one of them.  There is a new confidence that comes with the fulfilled responsibility of a extremely clean car.
2. Although the nature of your kid's personality may be different than your own, there are still life habits to instill in them so things like ANOTHER first day of school can feel a little more approachable.

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