Thursday, August 11, 2011

Spotty Specs.

If there is any scenario that is worse than the impossibility of finding a needle in a haystack, it's finding eyeglasses in Mall of America.  Although I may have left Mall of America with a few treats, I lost one of my most important specs.  With my summer reading list and the new semester growing nearer, I couldn't waste anytime to replace them.  Not to judge, but there seemed to be a very small chance that the people of Mall of America would 1. find my glasses, 2. think it nice to find the owner, and 3. exert the time and energy to take them to the MOA lost and found.
My red "break light" eye glasses were not cheap and I simply could not justify spending that much out-of-pocket on new ones.  I am really not a brand snob but it did take some self-coaxing to take my business to the Wal-Mart Optical Center. They didn't have the vast array of color choices that Lens Crafters offers, but I did "spot" some polka dot eye wear (no pun intended), which I quickly settled on.

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