Monday, April 18, 2011


This weekend I reactiviated my facebook ONLY to support my husband and try to get the votes out there for the competition Alkali Scientific is in.  With facebook being once again a part of my life, I have once again remembered all the reasons I deactivated it.  I have had a couple of my peers say to me, "Yeah, I was creepin' on you this weekend! Ha Ha."  I'm proud of my generation for finally pinning the appropriate name onto the whole process.  Creeping.  That is exactly what facebook encourages you to do.  If you want to be a part of my life, call me or e-mail me.  Those are two great ways of contact that don't cross a line. 

I know, I know, I don't have to put pictures, info, and statues up there blah blah blah.  But an over analyzer like myself, I analyze how people percieve me through something as trivial as facebook.  I don't want to be falsely perceieved and analyzing over if I should leave "I watch the Bachlor" on my Favorite Shows category is not something I have time to be obsessing over.

Oh, Facebook....the amount of wasted time and feelings you cause people.  Including myself.  Stop sucking us all in.

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