Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Aiden Baby!!!

My sweet nephew turned 3 this weekend and it continues to be the biggest joy in the whole wide world watching him grow... it's also so sad though!  He is getting to be a little boy and my days of calling him Aiden Baby are coming to an end.

His birthday party was all Mickey Mouse and although for a three year old parties can be a bit overwhelming, I have a feeling he didn't mind the attention and presents.

I can't even remember what it was like before Aiden Baby arrived three years ago! He adds so much life to our family and his little brother or sister will do the same! (Coming Thanksgiving!)

                                                                        Day 1

Day 1,095

                                                                         I'M THREE!

Monday, April 18, 2011


This weekend I reactiviated my facebook ONLY to support my husband and try to get the votes out there for the competition Alkali Scientific is in.  With facebook being once again a part of my life, I have once again remembered all the reasons I deactivated it.  I have had a couple of my peers say to me, "Yeah, I was creepin' on you this weekend! Ha Ha."  I'm proud of my generation for finally pinning the appropriate name onto the whole process.  Creeping.  That is exactly what facebook encourages you to do.  If you want to be a part of my life, call me or e-mail me.  Those are two great ways of contact that don't cross a line. 

I know, I know, I don't have to put pictures, info, and statues up there blah blah blah.  But an over analyzer like myself, I analyze how people percieve me through something as trivial as facebook.  I don't want to be falsely perceieved and analyzing over if I should leave "I watch the Bachlor" on my Favorite Shows category is not something I have time to be obsessing over.

Oh, Facebook....the amount of wasted time and feelings you cause people.  Including myself.  Stop sucking us all in.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A good day for a wedding.

My weakness is weddings.  I love weddings.  It's one of the very few events where you can almost always be guaranteed a good time.  Everyone is happy (hopefully), everyone loves to see love, and you are witnessing something big, special, and sacred.  Of course, I always love a good excuse to wear a fancy dress too...:) It was a break well needed in the routine of life for Will and I and we don't need to be strongly encouraged to reminisce about our own special day.

I didn't have much camera memory but I did get some good video footage of the little girls dancin' and loving on their Grandpa and Uncles.  Stay tuned for my next video montage :)

                                                         Hubby lovin' cleans up nice, I'll say.
                             Mimi got away from June bug long enough to get some dinner :)
Sisters-in-law minus Jules.  We missed you!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


 My husband is in a business competition to win a grant and marketing campaign for his business that will be launching next month. He is supported by the University of Northern Iowa Incubator Innovation Program and this Cedar Valley competition could help him further!  He just needs to get the most votes and it will really help the business!  Alkali Scientific is a lab supply company and my husband's passion!  You can vote once per day, per computer network.  Thank you for your support and help in growing new start-up local businesses.
You will not receive any e-mails by voting and it takes 2 seconds to vote!
To learn more about Alkali Scientific, LLC go to

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mrs. Cousin

Two of my peers and I had to make our way to Denver yesterday to do an activity with the fourth grade.  Conducting an activity takes the place of our final for a class, so we had to record it and we will present a clip to the class and talk about things we would do differently.  I have never watched myself teach before and there are a billion things I would do differently and a billion things I would say differently.  It's kind of an embarrassing video because you can see my inexperience but I'm just trying to focus on how much room I have to grow...:)
The video is very boring but these are the things I spend my days doing.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"Run or shut up"

So I started the day with the Today Show like I always do when given the chance.  My chances have been limited lately so I really cued in for my hour of relaxation and updates.  Donald Trump was premiered for quite a while ranting about his views on America and STILL keeping it some kind of mysterious secret on whether he was going to run for president or not.  He began convincing me that perhaps he would make a good president and by the end I was rooting for him.  (I am not hard to persuade once someone begins talking about the crisis of education in America).  Then Bill Cosby was a guest for some reason or another and he brought me down to planet earth.  I don't know if Donald Trump would be a good leader or not but I loved the input of Bill- When asked what he thought about the chance Donald would run for president or not he explained "Run or shut up!".  Oh Cosby, I have loved your simply stated, realistic manners since I was a kid tuning into the Cosby show with my family.  What would we do without your humorous and simplistic views on the realities of life.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just funny

This is just silly and serves as a good giggle. I can't believe this exists.

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