Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Day with June

By nine thirty June and I had exhausted the activities I had lined up to enjoy for the entire day.   Therefore, improvisation played a big role in our day.  At some point, I thought it would be a good idea to take June grocery shopping.  It was good to get out of the house but between my terrible problem of sensory overload and distraction in stores, and June needing to have numerous talks about how we can only have one piece of candy out of the quarter-candy station---it was a long trip.  However, I did get to show off my niece to a few family friends we saw and brag about getting to spend the entire day with her. Where did we have to be anyway? :)

I caved and rented a movie for after nap time which Will and I ended up watching in the evening since June had no interest.  (Toy Story 3-it was pretty cute; worth renting)
June ended up playing in my "hair-stuff" box, toting around my baby that used to be Grandma Jorgensen's, (apparently the baby was "biting" and needed numerous time-outs") , and demanding too much chocolate milk.  June tried taking a nap by herself but got caught with clicker in hand, watching TV in the bedroom.  So Auntie Mae napped with her---no complaints :).

We painted nails, played with very disappointing off-brand play-do, water-color painted, and sang songs.  Do note, that during all these activities, conversation was mostly focused on why Uncle Billy wasn't home and when he's going to be home.   June has a crush and I simply can't blame her.  I am on pins-and-needles everyday for Uncle Billy to come home too.

                                                               Arts and Crafts

 Apparently, June found lots of "bracelets" to wear in Auntie Mae's hair-stuff box.
June insisted on painting my toe-nails... this was the result.  Not bad for a two-year old.

1 comment:

Marme said...

Can June come do my toes?

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