Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Good Day

With school projects under control, I set the computer aside and enjoyed a relaxing night.  I came home from work to a completely painted stairway and bathroom, completed by hubby lovin'.  A HUGE relief.  Then, I put on my homemaker hat and hung some decor.  The place looks great and I think Will is glad the nagging can stop :) He had a restful night filled with long hours of video games that he deserved.  As jealous as I am of his XBox because of the attention it gets, I found a treat that arguably was more relaxing than a shoot-em-up game.  Beauty and the Beast.  And.. it was on ABC family of all channels.  ABC Family's new motto is "a new kind of family" and premiers shows about pregnant teens.  I think it was necessary for them to play Beauty and the Beast to support those who have not let the old kind of family go yet.

I watched the movie from beginning to end and tried hard to sing along to the songs of my childhood.  I barely remembered the words but Belle sings it better anyway.  I tried explaining the plot to Will who wondered why I was enjoying myself in the least and it occurred to me that I as a kid, I never understood the specifics of Beauty and the Beast yet I still loved it SO much.  All I could really tell him was it was about a pretty girl who falls in love with a beast.  I enjoyed it in an entirely different way as a twenty three year old and discovered Walt Disney really knew what he was doin'.  Here are the things I discovered as a 23 year old watching Beauty and the Beast:

Mrs. Pots is portrayed as a Grandma yet as a four year old son.
Beauty falls in love with a giant animal
There is entire scene in a bar with lots of beer drinking
Chip is obviously the favored child and has a lot of neglected siblings.

Rather than list more nonsense- I need to focus on the Macy's Day parade.  My husband is still sleeping and I don't know how he is missing this.  Miles and I certainly aren't and are currently admiring the Rockettes exceptionality cute outfits this year.  TUNE IN!

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