Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Trick or Truth

It's true that when your a child you believe everything you hear. I think about all the things my siblings told me and they STILL influence my thinking at the age of 22. When you are a wide-eye, innocent, little kid you take in everything with such wonderment and amazement that it would all be ruined if you second-guessed the world. While I miss that state of mind, I'm glad I can mostly decipher the difference. However, I'm still trying to tag some things that Jenny, Erik, and my dad told me as truth or trick. I think all babies of the family can relate. Below is a list of some of the wisdom my siblings and dad instilled in me while I was wide-eyed with curiosity. Although they may be tricks, I still get a smile when I request no mushrooms. -Mushrooms are the fungus found in between old men's toes. -Deodorant is meant to be put behind your ears. -At the school computer lab they give you shots. (computer lab/doctor lab-get it?) -Cotton balls taste like Marshmallows -I have an Indian Uncle named Huka-muka-huka. -If you sneeze with your eyes open your eyeballs pop out. -They only allow so many rat hairs in a can of tuna. -Bloody Mary lives in the downstairs bathroom. -The old man down the street killed his wife. -If you don't step off the escalator in time it will suck you under. -You're adopted. -If you get fingernail polish on your skin, it will stay their forever. -If you eat foil all your organs will implode. -There's worm eggs on the tip of markers

1 comment:

Jenny said...

We must have tormented you as a child. HAHA1

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