Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Time to talk turkey

I distinctly remember a fall night in 1st grade when I thought it was the end of the world. The rule in the Jorgensen house was you could not attend sleepovers until you reached second grade. I'm guessing this rule came from the result of a few midnight drives my parents took to retrieve my older sister. As I was pleading with my parents and making a strong case on how I was braver than my sister was in 1st grade, they agreed to take me to my first slumber party. I packed my overnight Lion King backpack complete with PJ's, selected barbies, and my cookie monster toothbrush. It wasn't until around midnight when my classmates basement began creaking that I noticed I forgot something to big for my Lion King back pack...my mom and dad! I'm not sure which was more exciting-seeing my mom and dad after two months at the age of twenty two; or seeing them the next morning at the age of seven. Either way, my lesson was learned early, I like them close by. Although I proved my bravery by enduring that long night, I would rather claim myself a coward now than have to go through several days or weeks without seeing either of them. I have wait so long and travel so many miles now that it's not worth the bravery badge! This Thanksgiving Will and I got to not only recite what we were thankful for but than go SEE our blessings. Making it the Thanksgiving of the century we received another little blessing who goes by the name of Malissa Elizabeth, born November 28Th. WOO!! We have yet to see her but we both know she's another one of our little dumplings along with Junie and Aiden. Congrats Maggie and Ben :) Our schedule was tight while home but well needed and enjoyed. Junie is growing, Suz still looks amazing, Bob and Mo are busier than bees and sweeter than the honey, Joe's found his calling in fatherhood, Maggie and Ben can't stop smiling, Jonny's still our 24 yr.old child, Julie's heart is even bigger, Zach remains true to his sweet and quiet spirit, my mom is still my carbon copy, my dad still lives for his kid's hugs, Pia is still my bestie, Grandma and Grandma Salsbury are still nutty and completely lovable, Grandma and Grandpa Cousin are only getting wiser,and all Will's buddies are still loving and supportive in every way possible. And most importantly- we all love each other to the moon and our family only keeps growing! I of course had to document the holiday so here's a few photos.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

It's about time you blogged! I'm sad we didn't get to see you. Christmas can't come fast enough!

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