Thursday, December 10, 2009

Procrastination Celebration

There is a flaw in the system! The schedule that the universities have constructed has proved to be flawed time and time again. I don't know how to bring this to their attention...a petition? riot? All I want to do is play Santa and totally enthral myself in the holiday spirit but my Christmas spirit is stuck on level eight as last minute papers and studies are holding it back. The description of level eight of the holiday spectrum, I might add, is still indulging in Christmas festivities but knowing procrastination is at it's highest height. I have pretty much done everything to put off getting ready for next weeks due dates. Christmas present browsing, Christmas present buying, beginning a novel, mastering solitaire on both my ipod AND computer, and rearranging every piece of furniture in our apartment. Today's a new day and I have sworn off television and solitaire right after I get down with my morning show routine. To feel better about getting down to the grind I have put together a master plan that combines my Christmas spirit and my "To Do" list. Because of the eight million channels Will and I think we need, I have found that this also includes several music channels categorized by genre. Holiday tunes are not excused from that list and they have completed the festive channel by adding a Christmas slide show and Christmas facts while Bing Crosby and Ella Fitzgerald do their thaang. So, while I write an analysis on "Curious George rides a bike" (love my major) I can get my holiday fix. Yesterday during one of my hour breaks I awarded myself I trip to the mall to begin my Christmas shopping and I witnessed the cutest thing. A family seemed to be spending the day beginning their gift shopping as well and the dad and his (about) 6 year old boy followed behind their wife/mom and older two sisters/daughters, who definitely had a shopping agenda. The little boy looked at his dad in frustration and exclaimed, "It's like we aren't even here!" His dad laughed and I'm sure later explained the process of shopping with the girls. I couldn't help but remember how my dad always got dragged into making runs to davenport and either camped out in borders or snoozed in the car. My mother-in-law explained to Will the other day that Bob has taken her shopping twice to the Des Moines mall this year and has yet to go into one store :) I've got to give some credit to the patient husbands and dads; especially during this season. Will and I put up the tree! The process didn't go as I had really planned...There was no holiday music or hot cookies and Will kinda WATCHED me put up the tree...But we will be adding in our own traditions and incorporating the ones we grew up with once we have a tree that's more than 3 feet tall and kids to create more excitement with. However, we did still have to kitty-proof the tree. After Miles ended up on top of the tree and knocking it over we had to tie it to the wall :) I like him enjoying Christmas in his own kitty way though. Gotta go! The view has begun and American Idol's Adam Lambert is on this morning...gotta hear the goods!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Silly Myles! Thats why we don't have a cat! I hope you aren't reading this comment b/c you should be studying.

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