Friday, July 17, 2009

Home is where the grass grows

OHHH my midwest! Ok, it's only been a few weeks (barely) and I'm already making a home visit. But my honey is in the midwest for work for a week and I couldn't have him being the only one enjoying it, now could I? I've been spending my week soaking up the look of grass and a complete appliance-furnished kitchen (a couple of things we do not have in Phoenix as of now). I also had the luxery (yes, for me it's a luxery) of cleaning out the bedroom closets. I again realized how very different my parents three children are as I took my first glance at the closets. Examples: Jenny's closet-attempted art projects and books, Mine- fairy wings and craft boxes, Erik's- a giant plastic leg and the periodic table hanging from a wire..tree..thing.. hmm..OH! and overflow of his sister's prom dresses :) It's funny the things each of us refuses to get rid of even after we have families, husbands, and college degrees. I guess for Jenny it's a giant red sweater from high school, for me it's dress-up accessories, and Erik's decorated toliet seat.. ? (no one knows). Confession: It's 1:30 in the morning. Olive Garden's caramel sugar-lover-inspired italian soda gave me a 2nd wind apparently. Short blog but I need to try to sleep again. Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I love that red fact I've been meaning to see if it still fits cause it has come back in style! HAHA1

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