Wednesday, June 24, 2009


What once was my husbands and my metro love nest is now cardboard heaven. I still can't believe Will and I are making our first real move together to down south. My feelings are so bittersweet I can almost taste cocoa on my tongue! I'm so excited to be on an adventure with my husband and support building his career but.. my families! With the cabin, Jenny's home so close, and being completely spoiled by seeing my parents almost every weekend ... it's depressing! However, the move must go on and there's much to be done which takes my mind off of being so close to home sickness. I have to admit, I don't mind packing boxes... (Yes, Jenny, I said it) I actually discovered it's one of my fortes. I LOVE organizing, labeling, catagorizing and puzzeling. Which practically describes getting ready for a move. When Will started hauling the boxes up I felt like a kid in a candy store.. uh hm... or myself in a candy store. I thought, so much organization to be done! Immediatly I ran to the store to gather the essentials: tape and a big fat labeling pen. I gave Will minimal grief for finding random, non-priority things to do since he was making packing suggestions that were not acceptable to my system. Apart from organizing the perfect packing system, I had some other fun. Everyone knows when you move you find things that you hadn't touched since the last time you packed them to move. I decided that those things are there to make packing more enjoyable with little surprises. ALSO, things that you see everyday MUST be packed and you think about where you with UNPACK them.. which in my case, I consider a big deal. Here are a few things I packed today and the thoughts they brought: 1. My sister wrote a heartstring-pulling blog the other week about my Grandma Jorgensen and today I thought alot about her. Some of my things I acquired through her and I realized today how they aren't just stuff. I pulled my drinking glasses out of the back of the cupboard that used to be grandma's. There are a set of blue ones and a set of pink flowered ones. I call them my boys and girls cups because I love to drink out of the pink flowered ones and Will drinks from the blue ones. (I think they should be just one giant set) Grandma never called them boys and girls glasses but it almost made me remember her more..oddly enough. She is still making memories with her cute glasses even though she is not with us anymore. 2. Grandma loved STUFF (jewelry specifically). I realized today how much STUFF I have...and how I get enjoyment from it. I like to think that whether good or bad I get my love for STUFF from grandma. My mom always said in my grandma's day she was such a stylish lady. I love hearing that small story... about the dresses and jewelry she wore. I may have a stuffed closet but grandma did too and she looked GOOD. 3. However much I like my stuff it was not hard at all boxing it up for possibly a couple months. The only thing that was hard to put in a box and ship to my new home was my newest picture of Aiden baby. I love my sweet nephew so much and he is learning so fast. The hardest thing is going to be being away from him so much. But there are trains, planes, and automobiles and I intend on becoming very cozy with each. 4. Arizonia is sunny, warm, and no humidity. Instead of stocking up on sweatshirts like the minnesotians I must get my swimsuit collection out. But as much as I say I hate the winter... I love those big 'ol sweatshirts and puffy coats. I can't help but think I won't be cozy until my Christmas in Iowa/Minnesota. I'm thinking about taking a pole once I get down there as to how people snuggle in such heat. 5. My husband is so sweet! He really tried his darnest to help out all day and bless his cotton socks. I have never seen my husband pack before and I'll tell you.. it was quite interesting. He was trying to put kitchen utensils in with shoes and socks in with medicine. Which drove me CRAZY. I tried to assign him little jobs that I wouldn't care about but the dear thing usually found something to entertain himself with and whether helpful or not, he thought it was darn important to our moving process. 6. LAST BUT NOT LEAST... I love my toolbox and I will never get rid of it. It has as much character as a cottage in Greece. I have had my toolbox for about a year and a half now. All it is, is a pink flowered box that once held fancy glasses but now holds my dad's old hammer, screw driver, and nails inside. That's all I've ever needed and I intend on keeping it simple. I love how girly and simple it is-with just the essentials-my dad's old hammer and the star screw driver. I'm sorry fellow readers for how long winded this ended up to be! I had such a long, thought filled day.

1 comment:

Tom said...

This post made me cry. And...I don't have my own tool box! I must get one!

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