Wednesday, July 8, 2009

AZ from A to Z

Will and I have officially survived our first three day streak of the temperature being at least at 105. We have got alot to learn! The sidewalks were empty as we explored and we soon found out why.. the heat. We now know that you don't go outside during Arizona's summer.... except for the pool. We have only been here for 3 days but I feel like we have learned so much! Just by talking with the residents of Scottsdale/Phoenix we have learned just a few rules, tips, and facts. Below are some fun facts we've learned thus far about Arizonia.. A through Z! NOTE: I'm sorry if you have evidence to prove something false. I got my knowledge purely from the common people. A. I now know who are going through the most plastic water bottles and who are filling up the landfills. You MUST have water on you at all times and be drinking it. B. Saguaro Cacti are illegal to throw away or steal. If you are caught stealing one it's at least a 300 dollar fine. If you build where the cacti are standing you must root it up and replant it else where. C. In some parking lots there are roofs above the spaces so your car doesn't get so hot... otherwise you fight till the death for a tree spot. D. Palm trees root system are actually very small and shallow. How they stand so high without falling over.. no one knows. E. We will be trying our best to not spend 2 months in this extended stay as planned. F. There is no land left in Scottsdale available for building. G. Air conditioning is everywhere... and people must think you can store up the AC in your bones and save it for later because some places are FREEZING. H. Our chosen grocery store is called FRY'S... you get the lower price on everything if you sign up to be a VIP and it's free.. I haven't gotton the catch yet. I. The gardners climb up the palm trees to trim them. This sounds terrifying because of their small roots. J. DO NOT walk on the sidewalk without shoes. Your feet WILL burn. K. Cacti can kill you. They are super super heavy because of all the water they hold and their needles are like nails. So if they fall on you.. which has happenend.. you are a goner. L. Grass is just as thirsty as we are. Unless you invest in a high end sprinkler system or stand there with a watering can 24/7 you will not see it. M. Billboards are not allowed in Scottsdale because they are tacky. N. Rock is used in substitute of grass. Lawns are made of pebbles.. I don't love this look.. O. On Thursday nights the art gallaries open and the public can wonder and look for free P. In Flagstaff it can be twenty degrees cooler than it is in Phoenix because of the elevation. Q. One of the roads is called DRINKWATER RD. R. Appaently Phoenix is the place you see UFO's.... S. When it rains people freak out because there is no place for the rain to go.. so you can count on wet ankles. T. My idea of a small scottsdale turned out to be's actually quite large... I've heard it compared to Cedar Rapids. U. AZ's climate is comparable to Baghdad's. V. There are many IA/MN people that come down here. There is a sports bar/grill that's dedicated to IOWA football and draws the IOWA crowd come football season. (The Hawkeyes, to my understanding) W. ASU would not give President Obama an honorary degree in April because he hadn't (hasn't) done anything yet. X. There are many, many music venues.. some located outside in Phoenix/Scottsdale/Mesa... Beyonce is rumored to be coming soon :) Y. Arizonia has... "Arizonia Idol". They are in the process of finding their number one singer. Z. It's not home yet! I have no major complaints but it will take awhile for it to feel like home. I've only taken scenery pictures so there are a few below. I will work on taking more interesting ones. But I must admit, the scenery here is beautiful. Specifically, the mountains.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Thanks for sharing the law of the land. Now I know whats up when I come to visit. Love you/!

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