Friday, February 27, 2015

6 Years and Counting: Team Cousin

Will and I celebrated 6 years of marriage this past weekend...6 YEARS. I don't know where this time has gone but it has left me reflecting and happy.  Mainly, I spent the day thinking how absolutely amazing it is that we have made it through so many life changes, altered plans, and surprises with such "ease"(comparatively) during these 6 years.  I'm not sure we had a specific vision for our short-term future, but yet it has still completley surprised me. We didn't think we would be short-stay Arizonians, building a company in South Florida, or teaching 3 year olds at a private school in the city. God has been so good for multiple reasons, but one thing I'm most thankful for as we enter year 7 is how He has taught us how to be supportive to each other in the kindest of ways.  He hasn't made it hard as some lessons can be.  There haven't been any giant fights or "I want this and you want that".   Our thoughts and analysis of major decisions have coincided or prompted respectful conversation and for that I am so very thankful.  There has been sacrifice for one another but not with an ounce of resentment because we make each other the priority.  We love in the best way we know how which isn't close to perfect but we give it a good go.  The first verse my school kids learn is, "We love because God first loved us"... which has been on my mind in a deeper way.

Secondly, although I shouldn't be surprised I have been shown that His plan is so perfect that there has been a set place for me and my future even when Will's career seems to be the driving force of location changes and decision making.

Although I'm thankful for how smooth our marriage has been despite many transitions, I'm more thankful because I know there will be times when we do disagree and when our wants are different and we will have a foundation to work from and know what support and sacrifice for one another feel like already.  And it feels good.

In an anniversary card my parents sent us they both referenced how we have "worked together".  This brought tears to our eyes because while we have been supportive of one another, life changes and happenings are still difficult and emotional and it warmed our hearts to see our "teamwork" being acknowledged by my parents who are the billboard for a loving, successful marriage.  It seems we could be doing something right.

Happy Anniversary sweet William! You're my one and only. I'm proud of you and this year, I'm proud of us.


Will surprised me with Ingrid Michaelson tickets for Valentine's Day which is a week before our Anniversary. Ingrid completely rocked it and the venue was super intimate so we could get up close and personal. The song we have dubbed "our song" is one of her earlier ditties but she performed it -Yay! When we got home I searched Craigslist for a ukelele... naturally.  For our anniversary we went to a gun show and ate at Pei Wei.  I know, we went all out.  We're pretty fancy.
Side Note: We really aren't gun people but I could maybe see myself with a pink .22 and being referenced as "the new Annie Oakley".  Just saying.

    Our song; You and I

He did well.. my favorite- friendly daisies.

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