Friday, February 27, 2015

6 Years and Counting: Team Cousin

Will and I celebrated 6 years of marriage this past weekend...6 YEARS. I don't know where this time has gone but it has left me reflecting and happy.  Mainly, I spent the day thinking how absolutely amazing it is that we have made it through so many life changes, altered plans, and surprises with such "ease"(comparatively) during these 6 years.  I'm not sure we had a specific vision for our short-term future, but yet it has still completley surprised me. We didn't think we would be short-stay Arizonians, building a company in South Florida, or teaching 3 year olds at a private school in the city. God has been so good for multiple reasons, but one thing I'm most thankful for as we enter year 7 is how He has taught us how to be supportive to each other in the kindest of ways.  He hasn't made it hard as some lessons can be.  There haven't been any giant fights or "I want this and you want that".   Our thoughts and analysis of major decisions have coincided or prompted respectful conversation and for that I am so very thankful.  There has been sacrifice for one another but not with an ounce of resentment because we make each other the priority.  We love in the best way we know how which isn't close to perfect but we give it a good go.  The first verse my school kids learn is, "We love because God first loved us"... which has been on my mind in a deeper way.

Secondly, although I shouldn't be surprised I have been shown that His plan is so perfect that there has been a set place for me and my future even when Will's career seems to be the driving force of location changes and decision making.

Although I'm thankful for how smooth our marriage has been despite many transitions, I'm more thankful because I know there will be times when we do disagree and when our wants are different and we will have a foundation to work from and know what support and sacrifice for one another feel like already.  And it feels good.

In an anniversary card my parents sent us they both referenced how we have "worked together".  This brought tears to our eyes because while we have been supportive of one another, life changes and happenings are still difficult and emotional and it warmed our hearts to see our "teamwork" being acknowledged by my parents who are the billboard for a loving, successful marriage.  It seems we could be doing something right.

Happy Anniversary sweet William! You're my one and only. I'm proud of you and this year, I'm proud of us.


Will surprised me with Ingrid Michaelson tickets for Valentine's Day which is a week before our Anniversary. Ingrid completely rocked it and the venue was super intimate so we could get up close and personal. The song we have dubbed "our song" is one of her earlier ditties but she performed it -Yay! When we got home I searched Craigslist for a ukelele... naturally.  For our anniversary we went to a gun show and ate at Pei Wei.  I know, we went all out.  We're pretty fancy.
Side Note: We really aren't gun people but I could maybe see myself with a pink .22 and being referenced as "the new Annie Oakley".  Just saying.

    Our song; You and I

He did well.. my favorite- friendly daisies.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Work. Netflix. Sleep. Repeat.

Our daily routine resembles that of 85 year olds.  Somedays I feel like I need to remind myself that this should be our wild and free years of being young, no kids, and living in sunny S. Florida.  "Cease the day, Mae!".  But then it's 8:30 and I want to reach for my pajamas.  Will and I don't like crowded places.  We like to eat dinner at 5:30.  We prefer to hang out with our dog and each other. We're morning people, not night owls.  I drink tea and watch a Friends rerun most evenings.  Will listens to Dave Ramsey radio and reads (parts of) books suggested by Mark Zuckerberg.  We go on Sunday drives. We're really fun to hang out with but not past 10:00.  That's us.  We're 85.  Maybe these are routines we need to break and spice things up a bit but Will and I are planning for many changes in the near future so the peacefulness of this lifestyle is okay with me for now.  We're hoping for family constantly at our door, house upkeeping, and a growing family of our own soon so I'll rest now to gear up for later :).

Here's what else has been filling our time: 

1.  We did not go home from Christmas which will never happen again.  This decision was not well thought out.  Basically,  we got so frustrated with flights and airlines that we said "screw it" so we wouldn't have to go through the logistics of getting home.  While we still had a Christmas of our own with the two of us, it was NOT the same.  Family plays a huge, HUGE part in Christmas and we made the best of it but... never again.

2.  Teaching of course has been filling my days.  It's so interesting how each class takes on their own little personality and the connection between us varies.  This year I feel more of a maternal connection to this group because they are a younger, more sensitive and more dependent group and I feel like I'm "mom-ing" more than last.  Last year the class was more independent, academically-driven and soaked up concepts like little sponges.  This year we have to take time just to hug and say more "I love yous".   Putting on coats, packing bags, and blowing noses, etc. takes much coaching.  Sometimes I'm tired and do it all for them because it takes less energy to just do it which is me failing as a teacher but I know I'm fulfilling many other emotional needs the rest of the day that are priority so I don't feel so bad.  Somedays I tell them they need to "figure it out", "play with someone else",  or "wipe your best and take a bath tonight" because I can't be, fix, or do everything.  This all comes with teaching 3 and 4 year olds.  I'm always counting down the days to a break when my lunch period won't be taken up by phone calls about rashes or e-mails about replacing homework that I don't necessarily believe in.  However,  I miss hearing my name screamed from the bathroom just to peak my head in and hear "I love you Mrs. Tousin!" while their nearly falling in the toilet.  

3.  Will and I are trying to plan our future and we want everything to happen now, yesterday, or tomorrow.  I'm praying for patience which I thought was one of my strong points- Ha!

4.  Yesterday we went suit shopping for Will and after 8 years of me telling him he needs to be wearing everything "slim fit", it took a JCP salesclerk for him to believe me.  He is now on board and I'm pretty offended.  :) 

5.  Bentley still thinks he is a human baby and his anxiety still shows up sometimes.  While taking a shower the other day I heard a plop behind me and I turned around to see Bentley sitting in the shower starring at me because he was afraid of the smoke detector that was beeping.  He doesn't love baths so he must have weighed his options and decided the occasional beep was just too much and the shower was a better option.  I'm glad he thinks I can save him. 

6.  We hadn't been to the beach for probably close 2 months (!). When we first came to FL I thought people who lived here must go every weekend.  Turns out it doesn't take long for real life to set in and the occasional beach trip is more realistic.  We went this weekend- I, fully clothed (brrr!) and Will braving the ocean for a quick, freezing 2 minutes.  It was a great way to get some Vitamin D and we agreed we need to go more often.  

7.  Valentine's Day  and our 6 year anniversary is right around the corner and Will and I gifted each other with a trip home in March.  Yay!  I also have a surplus of chocolate.  By surplus I mean a could open a chocolate shop of my own.  I might name it, "Let's Think Of Other Things To Give Your Teacher Besides Chocolate.".  :) It's the thoughts that count and I appreciate them including me but.. whoa! 

8. We have been able to escape Fort Lauderdale a few times between a little weekend Marriott getaway (Thanks Mom and Dad!) in West Palm, Orlando to explore Epcot with Mark and Pia, and Orlando again for a teaching conference and to see Will's cousins.  Besides Will getting extremely sick at Epcot (and no, we were not drinking around the World),  all trips were great.  It's always therapeutic and necessary to get out of the day-to-day from time to time.


Christmas dinner.

Bentley as Rudolf.

West Palm getaway.

Working on the table we used for our holiday dinners at home. :) Turned out it was kind of a rip off but- hey! We had a place to sit instead of bar stools to eat our Thanksgiving turkey and Christmas Ham. 

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