Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fort Myers Take 2

Even with just a 2 hour drive and 1 night away we can still embrace vacation life and we needed it!  Will and I both love the slow pace and casual feel of the gulf side of FL so we were eager to join Joe, Suz, and a few of their friends for a night of their getaway to the sunshine state to thaw out from the never-ending cold that has been the Midwest. We fought the rain for most of the day but still enjoyed some greasy food, Mojitos, and catching up.  The condo they rented was next to a pond of sorts and Will and I spent a good hour warning them that their really could be an alligator in there (but really) and they needed to make sure all doors were locked. Then I realized how paranoid Fort Lauderdale news has made us. What happened to the leave it to beaver life? :)

There's nothing like the comfort of family and familiar faces. 

Cousin brothers.

The constant concern of the possible alligator. 

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