Sunday, April 27, 2014

Farmer's Breakfast

I feel like every week I am preparing for or recouping from a school event. With 5 weeks of school left I am beginning to approach my patience threshold and the kids are entering the next developmental phase and are choosing to show me in some questionable ways.  We are all trying to work together so we can soon have some time away from each other :). The kids are complaining about the room being too loud, their emotions are a little high, and I gave the first warning to the perfect student the other day.  Between the demands of curriculum, the specials classes they sit through, and the incidentals that take up our day we are trying to get in as much playtime as possible.  

We are learning about farms this week and next so my Florida born PK3 teammates were looking to me for expertise.  Ha! Iowa isn't ALL farm and I certainly have nothing to offer being born into a tie and dress pants family. However with PK3 we go as far as eggs come from hens and milk comes from cows.  We ended this week with the farmers breakfast and Farmer Cousin gathered some eggs and prepared sausage so we could all enjoy what comes to us from farm life. Despite the fuses being blown halfway through while 30 young children were impatiently waiting for breakfast, it was a fun morning.  We all dressed like an Iowa stereotype with a couple cowgirls thrown in there.  It was interesting to see the interpretation of "dress like a farmer".  I'm still wondering if the tutus I saw were the result of a "pick my battle" between mom and daughter that morning or if that was their idea of a farmer.  I would not be surprised with the later...and I'm taking about the parent.

1 comment:

Marme said...

Cute "farm" girl:)

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