Monday, February 25, 2013

Bringing Home Bentley

Craigslist is two for two as Will and I have used it as our Pet Finder for both Miles and our new dog, Bentley.  Yes, we were a little leery about the exchange being made in a Walmart parking lot and taking claims posted online by strangers as facts.  And then we grew a little more leery when the text messages included responses like, "We be in da lot by da garden center".  But- other than what I'm hoping to be minor potty accidents caused by nerves, Bentley is proving to be a very sweet dog.  It is true that my life was easier 36 hours ago, but it's a nice addition to our little family. Our evenings this week will be including a doctor visit and some training.

Disclosure:  I never thought in a million years (and neither did others) that I would own a small dog and nevertheless, a Yorkie of some kind.  But he is the perfect size for our lifestyle right now and mark my words, as soon as we have a bigger space, he will have a giant brother or sister.  I am finding he is every bit lovable as a my coveted Newfoundland or St. Bernard.

Age: 1.5 years
Breed: Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie)

Enjoying his "Welcome" doggy cupcake.

A bath was a priority.

Meeting his new friend, Sophie (we maybe should have waited for this one.  Bentley wasn't really havin' it). 

1 comment:

Marme said...

Welcome to the family, Bentley!

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