Saturday, November 3, 2012

October Festivities

I love October. Because it is my birthday month, this is no surprise but I may stop feeling this way as I grow older. For my birthday my husband rescued me from the dark ages and fulfilled my request of an iPhone. Now, I can talk to the 3 people that call in style, waste more time on Facebook, and bury my face in another Apple device. But-it was so needed:). In fact, I am currently writing this entire blog on my phone while watching a movie on my iPad. So really, where would I be without these things?....

I also secretly like Halloween. I like the creativity of homemade costumes, bringing characters to life, and turning inanimate objects into giant outfits. I hate scary costumes, and rarely approve of store bought costumes. So perhaps I don't like Halloween at all, just the idea of an acceptable, national day of dress-up.  We have a couple friends who host an annual Halloween party.  While I was not planning on attending with Will out-of-town, sitting home alone for a few days was getting long and friends/relatives offered to adopt me as a tag along.  Rosie the Riveter requires a button down, jeans, and red scarf.  So Rosie it was.   However,  although it is fitting for an adult Halloween party it  certainly isn't' fitting for a Pre-K class party.  So I am set for the year as I had to hodge podge together 2 costumes this year with a cheetah/leopard/cat costume as my number 2.  Let's just say, by the end of attending a party, and hosting 2 for 40 kids...I am DONE with Halloween and it left a rather bad taste in my mouth.  I'll be lucky if I simply stick on some bunny ears for next year.

Rosie and Smurfette

I even held a couple parent-teacher conferences like this.   
AM Group: Pre-K Halloween Party

Friday, November 2, 2012

Tables Turned

The other day I had a college student do an observation assignment in my classroom.  Needless to say, it was very odd to be on the other side of the stage.  Only a few months ago was I the student dreading the field experiences and sitting through long days of observation for teaching classes.  The day for her observation was also the first day of conferences so I was completely preoccupied with nerves and last minute conference details.  I felt really bad by the end of the day because I practically shoved her out the door in hopes of starting conferences on time and knew only half the answers to her questions.  Maybe I'm not ready for observations, but she definitely got a taste of the excitement and busyness of a Pre-K class.   In attempt of providing her with some sense of teaching and a memorable day, I asked some of the kids what the future teacher should know to be a good teacher.  These are the few responses I got, but they put in a good effort.

1.  "She needs to know what time it is."
2.  "She needs to do what she is supposed to do".
3.  "Help us play."
4.  "Know her numbers."
5.  "Listen to the kids."
6.  "Know how to be nice".

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