Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tis the Season

May brings mushroom hunting.  This may be the first year I will not make it out to the woods with Will. I am blaming it on my lenthy "to do" lists and tired evenings but truth be told, I am not having to work AS hard to impress him as when we were dating and there may be a correlation there.  I don't exactly feel bad for skipping out on this hobby since it lasts a couple weeks a year and Will has apparently prospured with the guidance of his other hunting buddies.  My  job became getting the frying pan and butter ready as he excitedly warned me of his arrival with a pretty substantial gathering.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Quick Like a Bunny

As I get older, holiday celebrations seem to get shorter.  I don't know what the age cut-off is of dying Easter Eggs and hunting for chocolate, but sadly, I know I have passed it.  This year Easter seemed to hop by with an early service and quick Cousin brunch.  However, I did still get to see kids experience the magic of Easter.  With 2 Easter Egg hunts, 2 Easter parties, Easter Egg dying, 32 retells of Peter Rabbit, bunny crafts, and several renditions of the Bunny Hokey Pokey-  I am a little Easter-ed out and perhaps Easter wasn't all that quick afterall. Although I had a very "Public School Easter",  reflection on God's grace was not at a lost as I experience it every. single. day. I am reminded and encouraged of the grace and love I need to show the kids, who need so much of it everyday. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear Pastor: An Anniversary Reflection

Dear Pastor,

 A few weeks ago Will and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and I feel it’s appropriate to thank you for helping us carry out God’s plan to make the sacred commitment of husband and wife and marrying us. In addition, when reflecting on marriage and Will and I’s relationship, I frequently remember something you told us prior to our wedding.  I thought you may appreciate knowing your words do have an affect on young love-struck couples :).  I don’t know if it was meant as advice or a warning, but when Will and I were seated in front of you, you very directly told us, “You two have no idea what you are doing.” Honestly, I was a little taken aback.  My thoughts were, “Of course we do! We are so in love! Why would you say that!?”.  I was also a little concerned of the affect this conversation would have on my fiance.  After all, I didn’t want a runaway groom. 
After a mere 3 years, this statement has completely become relevant on numerous occasions, and while it may have aroused worries and negative feelings pre-wedding, I have grown to appreciate this aspect of young marriage.  We really had (have) no idea what we were (are) doing and you were exactly right.  However, apart from bad habits and minor situations,  I have loved the surprises and new things I learn about Will.  I have experienced his drive, heart, commitment, character, etc. in ways I didn’t know he was capable of when we said “I do.” I thank God all the time that Will has “turned out” the way he has because 3 years ago, I had no clue what we were doing.  Your statement that astonished me at one point has turned into something I appreciate in marriage and cements the fact that bringing Will and I together was truly His plan.  In retrospect, 3 years doesn’t even compare to the 50+ we have ahead of us. We haven’t even experienced an ounce of the trials and joys that lay ahead of us and I know we will surprise each other in ways that aren’t pleasant.  I know we still have no idea what we are doing and at times this is hard; but I know this can also be the beauty of marriage and provide the bonds that build a sacred relationship.
I appreciate the wisdom you gave Will and I and the opportunity you gave me in seeing the “discovery” in marriage.  Thank you for your truthfulness and recognizing the promise between two, clueless kids.

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