Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be Mine

I have a "sweet" spot for Valentine's Day as Hallmark continually suckers me in every year. With the right attitude, it can be a warm and fuzzy feeling type of day. After all, it's hard to go wrong on a day dedicated to kissing and chocolate.

Will's valentine treat was an office full of red and pink, a couple sappy crafts, and post it notes. He received nothing of use, but much love. After doing a little snooping on his Amazon account I was convinced I was getting a label maker. I don't know what's worse... my excitement for a label maker or believing that was what he came up with for Valentine's. Either way- my detective skills are apparently lacking as I looked over the stylish yoga mat bag he ordered. I now have all the bells and whistles when going to yoga class, but have yet to touch my toes. I'm now the girl with the cutest mat, tote, and pants, doing all the stretch "modifications". You've got to set yourself up for success though. Am I right?

This year, I reached a new personal best of having 21 Valentines. Although I went home from school sick and missed the Valentine's Day party, I thoroughly enjoyed going through all the kiddos Valentine's later on. They came up with some pretty cute cards and did not disappoint on building up my candy stash.

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