Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pia and Mae Take Chicago

I lit a fire under my butt and finally worked up the nerve to take on the trip to Chicago by myself to see Pia.  When I get to see my very best friend it puts a new bounce in my step and now that I have conquered the drive, it doesn't seem so intimidating.  I'm guessing my trips to Chicago will be more frequent since it proves to be the most effective therapy for us both. The weekend was relaxing with no agenda or time schedule, just two life long girlfriends.  We incorporated the necessities for a girl's weekend complete with strawberry daiquiris on the couch to shopping on state street.  I hated leaving my little best friend in such a big city but I must say, she is doing great in city life and I am so proud of her.  I can't wait until the love of her life is with her though so her sad puppy dog, love struck eyes can take a little break :).

 Laying on the beach (1 block from Pia's apt.) while Pia took a run in prep. for some kind of marathon. I guess I forgot my running shoes...oops:).
 My first experience of Chicago's festival, The Taste.  We planned to eat lunch there but ran out of tickets after 1 beverage and chips.  Who knew chips could cost eight dollars?

Shopping on state street...I believe our first stop was TJ Maxx...

 Pretty Pia.
 If Pia was described using the contents of her closet...a stethoscope and sequins.
Who could be inside?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Oh Boys

Oh Boys (for youtube viewing)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

S'mores + Cupcakes = scrumptous

I came across this delicious photo and it looks perfect for a cabin desert.  I may not be able to pull S'more Cupcakes off but I am sure going to try.  Prepare your taste buds for the 4th of July (cabin weekend) because it may just be yum-a-licious overload.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

John Wayne Ain't Got Nothin'

This weekend I crossed something off my bucket list.  I shot my first gun! Will and a couple old friends thought they needed to release some testosterone and fire through their collection of firearms at Travis and Krista's farm.  They of course needed to complete the scene by riding the horses.  I had NO complaints. I have always loved horses but calmed my excitement down when I rant and raved about my Wrangler in Training days (horse camp) and horse expertise and then clearly had no idea what I was doing with the horses.  Apparently my "Wrangling in Training" title has an expiration date and it may have been up 12 years ago in the 5th grade.

All in one day I shot my first gun, got back on a horse, and caught up with Travis and Krista's sweet little family.

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