Monday, May 4, 2009

kissin' Cousin

What a weekend... a GREAT weekend. For some reason when Will comes to Waverly I can count on being wiped out Sunday night. My schedule takes a U-turn from daily naps, TV, and my 9:00 bedtime. Will is a popular boy who can't decline an invite... and I'm glad! It was time for me to break out the sundresses and tuck the sweatpants into hibernation. On friday we visited family friends, The Nortons. My fingers were crossed and my breath was held hoping the words "mushroom hunting" didn't come up. However, Dan Norton's vocabulary consists of only those two words come May... so there I got ropped into Saturday morning mushroom hunting. During the first month Will and I were together he took me mushroom hunting and like every girl that is swept off her feet I tried to convince myself this was reason number 87 he was the perfect boy. Well two years later, married, and other new-found reasons he is the perfect boy...mushroom hunting is not so much fun. BUT because I didn't want to miss a minute of my husband weekend I went with. After finding about 9 teeny mushrooms Dan and Will were convinced "it's too early in the season". We took our tiny treasures home (along with some burrs and ticks) and cooked them up for dinner to ration them out :) Although mushroom hunting is a little of a bore, I love seeing the kid in my husband come out when he spots a tiny mushroom to take home and show everyone! It was well-worth the early morning. I have finals for the next two days and then I go on to kissin' Mr. Cousin. I need to get up there; Will had PB &J and ramon noodles for dinner. PS my camera is working randomly again so I will begin posting pictures of our Iowans to Minnesotians transformation.

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