Wednesday, February 25, 2009

love the one you marry

One February 21st I vowed to honor and love Will for the rest of my life.. but I also love the pictures! Here are some more because my ladies in Clinton are itching to see them. I should be writing a paper about Pakistan right now but... a wedding lasts a week, not a day. :) I'm sorry the spacing is so out-of-control! I can't get it to look good. These are only a few snapshots and I kind of took this page over with the kuphal girlies and I.. they just look so cute! They were the best dance partners! I'll be posting more it's just very time consuming.

A good day for a wedding

On Saturday was our wedding! I will write more about it later but it was everything I expected! The pictures aren't finished yet but go to this website to see a couple of good one's Nicole (photographer) couldn't wait to flaunt! I have some snapshots of my own I will post too. Promise, I will write a whole page on the magical day but I missed some class so duty calls.. A. Mae Cousin

Monday, February 16, 2009

5 days, bridesmaids!

Hello all! The countdown continues and there are 5 days until I tie the knot. Not only is it my special day but all my ladies accompanying me are there for a VERY special reason too. I came across this really short video but it's pretty cute. A few of my bridesmaids planned a wonderful bachlorette party for me! It was so much fun to go out with the ladies! Although I do admit to texting Will a few times throughout the night :)
Suzie made a sash for me to wear that says "Soon to be Mrs. Cousin". I also let myself wear my minnie mouse bride ears!

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things

Several people are doing this including Jenny and Aiden so I decided this is a good start to my blog. 25 random things about Ashley Mae Jorgensen-Cousin 1. I love frozen cookies 2. I'm still afraid of the dark because Shannon used to lock us in my room with the lights off. 3. If I could keep Pia in my pocket all day I would. 4. My parents were my social group during half of high school career and I had absolutely no problem with it. 5. I go by Mae because there are at least two other Ashley's in all my classes and I refuse to go by Ashley J because it reminds me of middle school. (Which was a horrible experience) 6. I am so madly in love with my fiance! I'm so blessed to have him and I can't wait to marry him in TWO weeks. He is my one and only and always will be. 7. I feel guilty for a whole day when I buy panties that aren't from Victoria's Secret. 8. I could probably sit in a room with my mom all day and never get bored. 9. I drive with no music/in silence 80 percent of the time. 10. I end up watching the preview station most of the time I watch TV. While I'm looking for something to watch I always get distracted by the clips they have up above and watch that instead. 11. I consider a ten dollar shirt expensive. 12. I really like kitties even though I say I am not a cat person.. I actually am. 13. I actually am a huge talker even though some people don't know it because I have been quiet most of my life. I got tired of listening so much and now I can talk your ear off when given the chance. 14. When I am around all my family I get the baby of the family feeling back. I still get babied (not in a bad way) but it's starting to diminish since we have a new member. I'm jealous :) 15. I LOVE ATTENTION. In the past I have hated the spotlight but I prefer it now in most cases. 16. I faked an eye appointment in 3rd grade because I wanted glasses like my big sister Jenny. It worked, I got glasses, and now my eyes are screwed up and I HAVE to have glasses. I should have stuck with wearing sunglasses around the house. 17. Reorganizing is my favorite. With that.. I move alot of things and it drives Will crazy because he can't ever find anything. 18. I didn't have a stuffed animal until I was 18. I haven't been able to sleep without her ever since. 19. I make things up when we have to tell something interesting about ourselves on the first day of classes. 20. I don't read the directions to anything. Directions take me about an hour to understand. 21. I HATE watching people pick their nose.... but I will pick mine in front of anybody. 22. I refused to dance for four years because Shamus K. made fun of me in middle school at a fun night dance. ( I'm a dancing machine now) 23. I could walk out of the house with 20 different colors on and consider it my favorite outfit. 24. I made crafts out of weird things and tried to sell them to my family out of a cart when I was younger. 25. My favorite place to nap is under the coffee table and it has been since I was 4.

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