Wednesday, June 29, 2016

An Apple a Day Makes a Move

Due to hiccups with my Blogger site the log of our little life will have to continue here:  

Friday, June 10, 2016

Midwest is Best

I'm disappointed in myself that I haven't documented our lives in over a year.  On lazy days I like to snuggle in and read back on the happenings of our lives and a whole year is missing! It was such a big year in our lives so I'm simply going to have to back date and catch my future self up and the few readers that follow our little lives.

March-April 2015: Will and I made the decision to move back home.  Our decision didn't consist of a job offer or a clear plan, just that when the school year was over we were going to move back to the Midwest.  We felt fairly calm about this decision despite the fact that we had no future plan once we landed back in Iowa, but Will consistently reminded me that God will take care of us.  Through all our different career and life decisions God had always provided and He would continue to do so, whatever that looked like.   And of course, He came through.  Will was offered a job as a Marketing Consultant at a midsize Iowa company with a great reputation.  They were happy to move the start date back so I could finished the school year.   We tried to soak up as much of our last afternoons at the beach, favorite restaurants, favorite shops, and our sweet Florida friends.  With a stomach full of nerves I told all my teacher friends and principal that I wouldn't be teaching a third year at the little bubble in the middle of Fort Lauderdale.  The response I received was true to Christ Church manner: loving, encouraging, and left me feeling so. loved.  They didn't love me enough to follow my suggestion of uprooting the entire school and planting it in Waverly, Iowa, but I can still hold out hope. :) They are all very much missed for many reasons.

May 2015:
The logistics of moving are always interesting. You'd think by this time we'd really have it down.  Maybe even still have some boxes packed or own stock in Uhaul.  I am a pretty good packer and have learned from experience, but no two moves are ever the same.  We moved in 2 shifts as the first trip back with the a load included a big celebration! Julie and Zach tied the knot! Julie is the most caring, hardworking girl I've meant. She wears her heart on her sleeve and would do anything for anyone before you finish asking.  She deserved a beautiful wedding and it certainly was. Our first moving "shift" was driving Bentley and my packed car to their wedding in the woods of Minnesota.  The ceremony was  a true reflection of who they are as people and a couple.  We lit paper lanterns in the moonlight over a beautiful lake, were served drinks from an old canoe of ice,  and signed a slice of a tree trunk that was the guest book. I'm so glad she experienced being a beautiful bride and the feeling of making such a special commitment.

After the celebration we left my car at my sister's, Bentley with my parents, and flew back to Florida to finish the last 2 weeks of school and pack the rest of our little South Florida apartment.  It was the ultimate mix of feelings. The last days of school never seemed to end as we anticipated our move back to family, yet I couldn't soak up enough of the littles I wouldn't see again, the friends that pray for me every day and that SoFlo sunshine.

June 2015:
Will picked me up on the last day of school pulling our apartment packed into a Uhaul.   The Uhaul was bigger than the car, which should have been our first clue with what was yet to come.  I gave my last hugs, stuffed bags of farewell gifts into the last little crevices of the packed car (saving the fancy chocolates for the front), and we were off for our first overnight stop in Tennessee.  (Shout out to Marriott: The next best thing to landing at home after a day of travel, is checking into a Marriott.
Actually, it might be the first best thing.  Yeah, definitely the first.)  The next day we began again.
Guzzling through gas at an excessive rate should have been our 2nd clue that the pull/weight ratio wasn't appropriate.  But when our SUV started smoking and not going anywhere, we finally figured out that something was not right.  We figured it out just in time to come to a stop in the middle of a not-so-welcoming neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia.  Long story short, I don't' think there is a time that I have ever been so scared in my life.  I've lived a pretty safe life and don't live on the edge.  I have watched enough CSI and Law and Order to steer clear of vacant buildings and parking garages. (Yes, parking garages are the stage for all crime.)  We somehow managed to get mostly off the road into a parking lot where we just looked like sitting ducks.  We paid a couple to basically leave us alone, there was a drug dealer setting up shop a few yards away (for real), and two cop cars stopped to ask us what we were exactly doing there.  AAA came and took the car so we were left guarding the trailer.  After being circled by the same car 3 times, I called 911 and a cop was so kind to wait with us while AAA came back to get us and the trailer.  My heart rate went down a little, not a lot.  At the dealership we were told our SUV was basically done for and a mechanic would secretly buy it for 500 dollars.  That meant we would have to move all our stuff into a box Uhaul and buy a new car in Iowa.  Not happening.  I was determined that thing was going to run.  And it was not only going to drive, but it was going to get us halfway across the country.  So, we rented a Uhaul box truck so Will could pull the packed trailer and I drove the "broken" SUV.  There were a few lights flashing at me and I was scared to touch anything, so I drove the entire way back to Iowa with the windows down, no A/C, and hanging on a prayer.  We didn't turn it off the entire day of driving for fear it wouldn't turn back on, but we made it and continued to drive it for another 9 months.  I learned that Will doesn't do terrific in "emergency" situations, (he says otherwise), Atlanta, Georgia will never be on my vacation list, and trust no one.

We pulled into Waverly with the sweetest greeting party you've ever seen, unpacked, and got Will ready for his first day of work the next day.  Our plan was to buy my in-laws rental in Waverly, live in it for awhile, then buy a house in Cedar Falls and rent out the little one in Waverly.  We became first time homeowners to the little house on the corner that will always be dear to me.  Will and I are used to little spaces and we updated the kitchen, painted, and made it our own for what we thought would be a couple of years.  I spent the month of June nesting, hugging on family, job searching, and sending my husband off to his new career each morning.

July 2015:
Oh, job searching...something I wish upon no one. :)  After sending out a few resumes, I was first called to interview at a Headstart school in the middle of Waterloo, Iowa. Waterloo is a half an hour away from Waverly, but in some parts it's a different world and not one you necessarily want be a part of.  It can be pretty rough so when I walked into the interview in heels and a pencil dress and talked about my Fort Lauderdale private school experience I knew I wasn't going to be getting a call anytime soon.  It was clearly not the right fit and I kind of wanted to just tell them that during the interview, because we both knew this wasn't going to work out.  I don't have the tough skin needed for that kind of environment and Will might come home to either me in tears everyday or a house full of kids he needs to cloth and feed.  After the interview I received a call from the superintendent at Nashua, advising me to hold out for a teaching position.  I needed that encouragement and bless him for offering some direction! I don't know what compelled him to call, but I'm grateful.  Soon after, I got a call from Waverly, interviewed, and 30 minutes later had a job offer 5 minutes away in 2nd grade.  Upon accepting right away and hanging up the phone, I jumped around my kitchen.  I was over the moon excited.

We celebrated and then bought Will's parents house, which we had said yes, then no, then maybe, then no to.  It was bigger than we currently needed, we had been planning to be in a little bigger community, and we wanted something to make our own.  However, it became evident we were meant to be in Waverly and after 2 buyers backed out of going through with the sale of Will's childhood home (for no good reason), we felt like God was smacking us in the face with it.  As they say, timing is everything.  All the reasons we had to not purchase the house became irrelevant and we soon fell in love with this old house. Our life was changing and other than the beach now being more than an 8 minute drive, it was all very, very good.

July brought reuniting with the cabin, reconnecting with friends, Will finding his place at work, and dreaming about our new home next door.

August 2015: 
We were in Waverly for 2 months and we were again, moving.  Moving has just become a way of life for us at this point. Since this time we were moving right next door, I forwent 67 boxes and 8 rolls of packing tape.  We exercised the "fill and dump" method of filling a laundry basket or box, dumping it in the appropriate room, then going back for more.  It was actually pretty efficient and my parents were so kind to come help. Since we didn't have a 5 bedroom house to move, it was a pretty quick move; probably the smoothest out of all our moves.  I would suggest keeping moves to a 1 block radius.  The day before, we had moved Bob and Malissa out of the house (mostly) to their new house on the river.  Again, we mostly used the fill and dump method; very organized and thought through.

We immediately went at our new home with painting, wallpaper removal, etc.   I don't like living in limbo and half finished projects, so it was important to me to make it our own right away.  I loved it before, but now it reflects Will and I and it's hard for us to leave the house.

Bob and Mo lived in this house for 30 years.  It had bats flying through when they purchased it and looked completely different.  There is so much "Cousin" in this home and I love thinking about the stories it holds.  It has served countless meals to 4 generations of Cousins, raised 5 kids, and welcomed anyone, anytime.  As Will and I continue to redecorate, clean out, and do small renovations to each room I get to imagine the life that was had in each space during different stages of life.

Back to School: In August I also started my life as a 2nd grade teacher.  Coming from 3/4 year olds, I felt like I was transitioning into teaching senior citizens.  My expectations may have been a little high, but I have been pleased with having to lower them a bit.  2nd graders still have the "little" about them and I have found that it's a fantastic fit.  I'm not tired by 10 AM, they can reason a little, and we can get into some great, thought provoking conversations that go behind the fascination of a flushing toilet or stirring water.  ;)

Spring 2016:
I started as a bubble teacher which means each year the teacher moves to where they need him/her each year, but I am now the permanent 2nd grade teacher.  This is a step further on the job security ladder and it feels great.  Once again, I began my summer packing boxes, but only to move my classroom down the hall.  Staying in 2nd grade was my hope and prayer and I'm excited to settle into a grade and work my way out of survival mode! I can try new ideas or leave everything the same. I can invest in 2nd grade materials and books knowing they will be used for years to come! Woo hoo!

So,  I end here with the intention of staying current with my posts so they are not just a list of events, but recount the details and reflection of each month of our lives.  There's so much more that filled our year.  It was not documented, but enjoyed.  It was been a year full of changes and we have gone through all the stages of what change brings.  We've rolled with the ups and downs, laughed at the surprises, cried for the losses, grown with each other, and embraced our new day to day.  We have taken advantage of our family being close and Bentley is living the life of chasing squirrels in his new backyard and teasing Olive.  Life is good.

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