Saturday, November 2, 2013

Will and Mae's Day of Fun

For my birthday I asked Will for two things: A day of exploration in Miami since I hadn't been yet and a love letter. He delivered on both these things. What a guy :). 

Our first Miami stop on "Will and Mae's Day of Fun" was the Coral Castle Museum.  I think this is the first "museum" Will and I have been to together.  Will is a leader by nature so it takes a little convincing to get him to  follow a tour guide for 45 min. However, The Coral Castle was featured on the History  Channel so he was just as excited as I was for this one.  To read the mysterious back story click below.

My birthday day in Miami couldn't be complete without a visit to the shopping district. The people watching on the shopping hot spot, Lincoln Road ended up being more entertaining than the stores. Miami has all kinds :). 
The day ended with a game night at our place with friends. Spoiled birthday girl, I'd say. 

Looking back on year 25 there has been many changes.  I never would have predicted where life has led us this year which shows God has his own master plan and trusting Him and enjoying the ride He has laid out is the best thing you can do.  I certainly can't compete with the control God has on my life so I'm entering year 26 loving the new opportunities He has put my way and awaiting what else is in store.  

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